Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

You must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the UiPath Robotic Process Automation Adapter.

You must first ensure that your UiPath Orchestrator instance is configured to allow you to invoke robots using the public UiPath REST APIs. See UiPath Resources.

Next, ensure that you have access to a tenancy on an UiPath Orchestrator instance. In your tenancy perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a folder for your project. You can either create a classic folder or a modern folder. For definitions of the folder types, see About Folders in UiPath Orchestrator Guide.


    • For UiPath Orchestrator versions 2020.04 and below, a classic folder named Default is created for all new tenants. You can use this folder if you do not prefer to create additional folders.
    • From version 2020.10.1 of the Orchestrator, classic folders are disabled for new tenants, and the Default folder is a modern folder. See UiPath Orchestrator v2020.10.1 Release Notes.
  2. If you create a classic folder (or use the default classic folder), perform the following tasks within it.
    1. Create an environment.
    2. Configure at least one robot on a machine and associate it to the environment.
    3. Deploy at least one package as a process to the environment.
    4. Optionally, create a queue if you want to pass data to or receive data from a robot as it runs a process.
  3. If you create a modern folder (or use the default modern folder in Orchestrator v2020.10.1 and above), perform the following tasks within it.
    1. Assign at least one user to the folder. Robots are automatically provisioned to the folder as users have robots mapped to them.
    2. Add at least one standard machine or machine template. See Managing Machines in UiPath Orchestrator Guide
    3. Optionally, create a queue if you want to pass data to or receive data from a robot as it runs a process.