About Model Status

An Insight model changes status during its lifecycle.

  • Draft: A newly created model is in this status until the model is configured. In this status, changes can be made to the model and no metrics are collected. A draft model can be exported to later be imported into another Insight instance.

  • Configured: A model moves into this status when its milestones, indicators, and unique instance identifier have been defined and milestones have been mapped to a business process. A model in this status is ready to activate.

  • Activation In Progress: A model is in this status when activation has been initiated.

  • Timeout: A model falls into this status when it times out after attempting to activate for five minutes.

  • Activated: When a model is in this status, metrics are being collected, and changes are not possible. An activated model can be exported to later be imported into another Insight instance.

  • Deactivated: A model moves into this status when you specifically deactivate it.

  • Failed: A model falls into this status when it encounters issues during activation.

  • Unknown: A model may move into this status when the status of the model cannot be determined as activated or deactivated. You can perform all lifecycle actions on a model in an unkown status.

To make changes to an activated model, you must first create a draft version of the active model to edit the model without interrupting metrics collection in the active model. After editing, the model can be reactivated to apply the changes. See Edit a Model.