This image is an example of the Select Application step of the Activate Application to Production/Testing Environment wizard. Below the dialog title is a progress bar, which displays each step of the wizard: Select Application, Customize, Validation Result, Activation Options, Activation Result. The Select Application step is highlighted. Below the progress bar is the following message: “Select the Space where the Application is”. Below the message is a required field that has a drop-down list of values labelled Select Space. Below this field is the message: “Select the Application you want to activate.” Below this message is a required field that has a drop-down list of values labelled Select Application. The list of values are the applications contained in the Space that you selected above, Below this field is the message: “Which snapshot are you activating”. Below this message is a required field that has a drop-down list of values that are displayed. The values are Last Published Version and all the snapshots for the selected application. The Previous, Customize, and Cancel buttons are displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the dialog. The Previous button is inactive because this is the first step of the wizard.