This image shows the Event window where another If condition is being added and configured to an existing If condition. It displays the On Change event option on top. There is a solid blue If button and on the right side of the If button is a blue outlined +Condition button.

Below theIf and +Condition buttons are the following fields where the first If condition is configured. From left to right:

Below the first If condition configuration fields is the condition drop-down list where is greater than is specified.

Below the condition drop-down list are the following fields. From left to right:

On the right side and below the Type and Value fields is a drop-down list which lets you add another If condition and this is set to And.

After this displays the fields where the second If condition is being configured. From left to right:

Below the second If condition configuration fields is the condition drop-down list where is less than is specified.

Below the condition drop-down list are the following fields. From left to right:

The image also has delete icons on the top right corner of each If condition configuration and also on the top right corner of the Event window.