This image shows the Decisions page. The Decisions title is in the top bar. An Add new decision icon is at the right edge of the title bar. Seven empty logic decisions that have been added are displayed: Total Days, Special Condition Days, Student Days, Veteran Days, Odd Hour Days, Seniority Days, and Regional Days. Each decision has a Menu icon and a Collapse/Expand icon next to it.

Below the decision titles, the description for each decision is entered as follows:
  • Total Days: Calculates the total days.
  • Special Condition Days: Calculates special condition days as sum of veteran days and student days.
  • Student Days: Determines eligibility for student days.
  • Veteran Days: Determines eligibility for veteran days.
  • Odd Hour Days: Looks up odd hour days based on shifts and weekend work schedule.
  • Seniority Days: Looks up seniority days based on age and number of years of service.
  • Regional Days: Looks up base days based on region.