This image displays the Create Process dialog. The title “Create Process” is displayed at the top left-hand corner of the dialog. Below, the dialog is divided into two sections. On the left are the following fields displayed below each other: Name and Description. These are free text fields. The title Document-Only is displayed below the Description field. Below this title is the Document-only process check box. At the bottom left-hand corner of the section is the Open process now check box, which is selected by default. The section on the right contains options for you to choose how to start your process. The options are listed with their own icons and a description: None — Start from scratch with an empty Start event. Web Form — Start your process with a web form. Message — Start your process when a message is received. You can also choose to start your process using one of the pre–defined patterns listed. The Create button is located in the bottom right-hand corner of the dialog.