This image shows an On Change event window with the +Filter option selected. The data entered or selected in different fields in the Filter section is as follows:
  • Connector Data is selected in the Type field.

  • globalResponse.items is entered in the Value field.

  • items is selected in the Options List field.

  • id is selected in the Value field.

  • is equal to is selected in the drop-down comparison field.

  • Control is selected in the Type field.

  • Select control is chosen in the Control Name field.

  • personalDetails is entered in the Where do you want to store the filter data? field.

The data entered or selected in different fields in the Action section is as follows:
  • Table is selected in the Control Name field.

  • Self is entered in the Which? field.

  • Value is selected in the Action field.

  • Filter is selected in the Type field.

  • personalDetails is selected in the Value field.

  • lastName is selected in the InputText1 field.

  • Company control is chosen in the InputText2 field.

  • email is entered in the InputText3 field.

The OK and Cancel buttons are present at the bottom-right corner of the window.