The diagram has two equal horizontal regions called swimlanes: the top swimlane is labeled Loan Applicant and the bottom swimlane is labeled Loan Officer. The process diagram starts at the left end of the Loan Applicant swimlane with a Start event circle labeled Submit Application. An arrow points down from Submit Application to an activity rectangle labeled Decision directly below in the Loan Officer swimlane. An arrow points right from Decision to a Gateway diamond labeled Decision Outcome, also in the Loan Officer swimlane.

Three arrows point from Decision Outcome. The first arrow, labeled Reject, points up and to the right to an End event circle labeled Rejected in the Loan Applicant swimlane. The second arrow, labeled Manual with a slash through the origin, points right to an activity rectangle labeled Review Application in the Loan Officer swimlane. The third arrow, labeled Accept, points down, right, and up to an activity rectangle labeled Disburse Loan in the Loan Officer swimlane.

An arrow points right from Review Application to a Gateway diamond labeled Approval Outcome in the Loan Officer swimlane. Two arrows point from Approval Outcome. The first arrow, labeled REJECT, points diagonally to the Rejected End event described previously. The second arrow, labeled APPROVE, points right to the Disburse Loan activity described previously. An arrow points right from Disburse Loan to an End event circle labeled Completed in the Loan Officer swimlane.