This image shows the Translate form window. The window contains a Language drop-down field, with Spanish (Argentina) selected, at the top right and a Clean button next to this field.

Below these UI controls, there is a table of three columns, namely ID, Default Value, and Current Language. The ID column contains the IDs of all control labels and control fields (that take constants for input) present in the form. The Default Value column contains the default values specified for these fields. Finally, in the Current Language column, localized strings are specified only for those default values whose translation differs for the sub-locale, Spanish (Argentina). The rest of the cells in the Current Language column are left blank. The table contains six rows. Values in each row are as follows:

  • First row: InputText - Label, InputText, and Ingrese Texto.

  • Second row: InputText - Default Value, Default value, and the third cell is left blank.

  • Third row: Table - Label, Table, and the third cell is left blank.

  • Fourth row: Column - Label, Number, and the third cell is left blank.

  • Fifth row: InputText1 - Label, InputText1, and Ingrese Texto1.

  • Sixth row: InputText1 - Default Value, Enter a number, and the third cell is left blank.