Sample Use Case for Documents and Process

Documents are an integral part of a process application because they’re commonly used in approval flows. Let’s look at a sample process for getting a home loan.

During the loan process, different types of documents must be filed and reviewed, including:

  • Applicant related documents, such as bank statements, pay stubs, W-2 form, and credit reports

  • Property related documents, such as title and appraisal

Different roles, such as loan officer, loan processor, and loan underwriter, review the documents and approve the loan. Once the loan is approved, additional documents, such as loan agreement documents, must be created, signed, and approved.

These review and approval activities require segregating documents into different folders, moving them to approved folders, and so on, during the loan processing flow. Integrating Oracle Content Management with Oracle Integration provides the capability for you to create and manage these folders in design time.

Document Folders

Using the home loan as an example, the following table lists the folders that would be required for the loan process and the types of documents you would expect to find in each folder.

Folder Description

Applicant Documents

Documents related to the applicant, such as W-2 form and bank statements

Appraisal Documents

Documents related to the appraisal, such as property photos and recent comparable sales

Approval Documents

Documents related to the loan approval, such as credit score, risk model analysis, and loan term computation

Agreement Documents

Documents containing the loan terms and conditions

Property Documents

Documents related to the property, such as title and insurance

Funding Documents

Documents created as part of funding, such as updated title and wiring instructions

Actions Performed by Tasks on Folders

Continuing with our home loan example, the following table shows the sequence of tasks in the loan process, lists who performs the task (swimlane), and describes the task performed on the folder.

Sequence Swimlane Task


Loan Applicant

Uploads W-2 forms and bank statements to the Applicant Documents folder.


Property Appraiser

Uploads appraisal related documents to the Appraisal Documents folder.


Loan Agent

Reviews both the applicant documents and the appraisal documents to ensure completeness. If additional documents are required, then request the applicant or appraiser to upload them.


Loan Officer

Reviews both the applicant documents and the appraisal documents, approves the loan, and creates loan documents in the Agreement Documents folder. The applicant documents, appraisal documents, and approval justification documents are stored in the Approval Documents folder.


Loan Applicant

Signs agreement documents and uploads them to the Agreement Documents folder.


Title Company

Uploads all documents related to the property to the Property Documents folder.


Finance Officer

Reviews approval documents, agreement documents, and property documents in their respective folders, and funds the loan.

Also uploads related documents to the Funding Documents folder.

Folder Permission for Various Tasks

Finally, for the home loan example, the following table lists the access permission required for each folder based on the user and the task.

Swimlane Tasks Folder and Access Permission

Loan Applicant

Submits applicant documents, and if approved, submits agreement documents

Applicant Documents and Agreement Documents folders; Contributor access

Property Appraiser

Submits appraisal documents

Appraisal Documents folder; Contributor access

Loan Agent

Reviews applicant documents

Applicant Documents and Appraisal Documents folders; Viewer access

Loan Officer

Approves the loan

Applicant Documents and Appraisal Documents folders; Downloader access

Approval Documents and Agreement Documents folders; Contributor access

Title Company

Submits property documents

Property Documents folder; Contributor access

Finance Officer

Funds the loan

Approval Documents folder; Viewer access

Agreement Documents and Property Documents folders; Downloader access

Funding Documents folder; Contributor access