String Functions

Name(parameters) Parameter Domain Description Example

substring(string, start position, length?)

string, number1

return length (or all) characters in string, starting at start position. 1st position is 1, last position is -1

  • substring("redwood",3) = "dwood"

  • substring("redwood",3,3) = "dwo"

  • substring("redwood", -2, 1) = "o"

string length(string)


return length of string

string length("red") = 3

upper case(string)


return uppercased string

upper case("aBc4") = "ABC4"

lower case(string)


return lowercased string

lower case("aBc4") = "abc4"

substring before (string, match)

string, string

return substring of string before the match in string

  • substring before("redwood", "wood") = "red"

  • substring before("redwood", "xyz") = ""

substring after (string, match)

string, string

return substring of string after the match in string

  • substring after("redwood", "dw") = "ood"

  • substring after("", "o") = ""

replace(input, pattern, replacement, flags?)


regular expression pattern matching and replacement

replace("abcd", "(ab)|(a)", "[1=$1][2=$2]") = "[1=ab] [2=]cd"

contains(string, match)


does the string contain the match?

contains("redwood", "de") = false

starts with(string, match)


does the string start with the match?

starts with("redwood", "re") = true

ends with(string, match)


does the string end with the match?

ends with("redwood", "d") = true

matches(input, pattern, flags?)


does the input match the regexp pattern?

matches("redwood", "^re*w") = true