Why should I integrate documents?

Although you can use email to discuss a task and send associated documents, it’s much easier to have all that content available while viewing the task and tracking a process instance. Oracle Content Management integrates documents with your process applications.

What are the benefits of integrating Oracle Content Management:

  • Documents: Process provides simple file attachment functionality, but if you need something more robust to handle document-intensive processes, you can integrate Oracle Content Management. This service enables you to organize files into folders, manage access to each folder, and even start a process when you upload a document. For example, if you’re processing a home loan, you need to manage documents such as loan applications, employment histories, and house appraisals, making sure that the right users see the documents they need to submit, review, or approve, but they don’t get access to restricted information.

  • Document- and Folder-Initiated Processes: You can automatically start a process when someone uploads a document (or folder of documents) to a chosen document folder.

After you integrate Oracle Content Management, document folders are automatically created for each new application. You can also enable document functionality in existing applications. You can create additional folders as necessary to further organize documents, setting access to restrict content to the appropriate users. Then your users can upload and view documents while viewing the task (through icons on the Task Details page).

For a summary of the roles and responsibilities involved in configuring and using Oracle Content Management with Process, see Roles and Responsibilities. For general information about Oracle Content Management, see its online library.