Add the Oracle Utilities Adapter as a Trigger Connection

When you drag the Oracle Utilities Adapter into the integration canvas as a trigger connection, the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard is invoked. Based on your selections in the wizard, the following pages can be displayed.

Trigger Basic Info Page

Field Description

What do you want to call your endpoint?

Provide a meaningful name so that others can understand the purpose of the connection. For example, LinkedInTarget_update_status. You can use English alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and dashes in the name. You cannot use:
  • Blank spaces (for example, My FTP Connection)

  • Special characters (for example,  #;83& or righ(t)now4)

  • Multibyte characters

What does this endpoint do?

Enter an optional description of connection functionality.

What is the endpoint's relative resource URI?

(Available only in the REST-based trigger (inbound) direction.)

Enter the endpoint's relative resource URI. The endpoint must begin with a /, followed by letters.

Select an option to define the request and response endpoints

(Available only in the SOAP -based trigger (inbound) direction.)

  • Business Objects: Select this option to use the HTTP-based service catalog WSDL specified on the Connections page.

  • Upload WSDL: Select this option, then click Browse to upload a WSDL for a particular service in which element-to-element mappings can be performed to deal with anytype elements. Ensure that the WSDL is available as part of the Utilities Global Business Unit (UGBU) applications and is reachable.

    Note: Remove the parts of the WSDL that are not needed instead of commenting them out.

Trigger Request Page

This page enables you to select the external system to treat as the request object for this integration for OUAF applications.

Field Description

Select a Business Object

Select the business object from the Oracle Utilities application to receive as a request that starts the integration.

Filter by object name

Enter the initial letters to filter the display of business objects.

Select Media Type

(Available only for REST endpoints.)

Select either JSON or XML as the request media type for this endpoint.

For non-OUAF applications that are a REST-based endpoint, the trigger Request page is as follows:

Field Description
Select a Request Object Select a service request object to invoke.
Filter by object name Enter the initial letters to filter the display of business services.
Request Media Type The supported media type is JSON.
Select the Operation Select an operation from the published web service to perform on the service request object.

Trigger Response Page

This page enables you to select the external system to treat as the response object for this integration for OUAF applications.

Field Description

Select a Business Object

Select the business object from the Oracle Utilities application to receive as a response from the integration.

Filter by object name

Enter the initial letters to filter the display of business objects.

Select Media Type

(Available only for REST endpoints.)

Select either JSON or XML as the response media type for this endpoint.

Response Type

Select one of these options:

  • Request-Response: The default. The Oracle Utilities application waits until a response is received from the integration. This is also known as the request and response message exchange pattern. Disable the checkbox for asynchronous calls (also known as the one-way message exchange pattern).

  • Send Faults

For non-OUAF applications that are a REST-based endpoint, the trigger Response page is as follows:

Field Description
Select a Response Object Select the service response object from the Oracle Utilities application to receive as a response from the integration.
Filter by object name Enter the initial letters to filter the display of business objects.
Response Media Type The supported media type is JSON.
Select the Operation Select an operation from the published web service to perform on the service response object.
Response Type

Select one of these options:

  • Request-Response: The default. The Oracle Utilities application waits until a response is received from the integration. This is also known as the request and response message exchange pattern. Disable the checkbox for asynchronous calls (also known as the one-way message exchange pattern).
  • Send Faults

Summary Page

Field Description


Displays a summary of the trigger (source) or invoke (target) configuration values that you defined on previous pages of the wizard. The information that’s displayed can vary by adapter. For some adapters, the selected business objects and operation name are displayed. For adapters for which a generated XSD file is provided, click the XSD link to view a read-only version of the file. To return to a previous page to update any values, click the appropriate tab in the left panel or click Back.