Create a Business Object

You can create business objects to store data in the database that was provisioned for your service instance.

When you create business objects, you specify the fields that your application needs. As you develop your application, you can modify your business objects to add and modify fields as needed. Your business object will be exposed as a set of endpoints that provide REST APIs for operations that you can call from page components.

To create a business object:

  1. Open the Business Objects tab.

    The Business Objects pane opens. By default, the Objects tab is selected.

  2. Click the + sign and select Business Object.
  3. In the New Business Object dialog box, enter a Name for the business object (for example, MyObject). The Display Label is automatically populated based on the name you enter (for example, My Object); update it as needed. Click Create.

The newly created business object opens in the main window and displays the Overview tab. The window contains additional tabs for viewing and editing the various attributes of the business object: Fields, Security, Business Rules, Endpoints, and Data. The Endpoints tab shows the endpoints that are created by default for the business object.

To delete a business object, right-click the business object and select Delete.