Work with the Business Object Diagrammer

With the Diagrammer, you can create diagrams for your business objects to show their fields and relationships.

To create a Business Object Diagram:

  1. In the Business Objects pane, click the + sign and select Business Object Diagram.
  2. In the Create Business Object Diagram dialog box, enter a name in the Diagram name field and click Create.

    An empty page for the diagram opens, along with the Properties pane.

  3. In the diagram's Properties pane, select the check boxes for the business objects you want to display, or click Select All to display all of them. If you have many business objects, you can create multiple diagrams to display them.

The Diagrammer shows the selected business objects and their fields (in alphabetical order). The name and type of each field are displayed. The Diagrammer also shows the relationships between the objects and the object accessor names through which you access referenced business objects:
Description of bo-diagram.png follows
Description of the illustration bo-diagram.png

You can use the Diagrammer to perform the following tasks:
  • Click the name of a business object to see the object's Properties pane, where you can view or edit overview information. Double-click the business object name to go to the object's Overview tab.
  • Click a business object field to see the field's Properties pane, where you can edit its properties.
  • Click the triangle next to a business object name to show or hide fields.
  • Right-click a business object to see a menu that lets you create a new field or a new relationship, edit or delete the business object, add related business objects, or remove the business object from the diagram:

  • Click a relationship line between two business objects to see the Properties pane for the relationship, where you can edit or delete the relationship.
  • To specify how business object fields are displayed, right-click the Diagram page and select Fields to display the Fields menu:
    Description of bo-diagram-fields.png follows
    Description of the illustration bo-diagram-fields.png

    By default, reference fields are displayed (along with their object accessor names), and field names that match what you'll use in REST API calls or Groovy code are shown instead of display labels. The number of fields displayed is 10 (though you can scroll to view more).

    • Select Show Audit Fields to display the fields that are automatically created when you create a business object.
    • Select 20 to display up to 20 fields by default.
    • Select Show All to display all fields, or select Hide All to hide all fields.
    • Deselect Show Field Names to display fields by their display labels.
  • To change the default display from horizontal to vertical, right-click the Diagram page, click Layout, then select Vertical.
  • To update the display, right-click the Diagram page and click Refresh.
  • If the diagram displays many business objects, right-click the Diagram page, then click Find to select one of them.
  • To export the diagram to your file system, right-click the Diagram page, click Save As, and select either PNG (Portable Network Graphics) or SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) as the format.

To delete a diagram, right-click the diagram in the Diagrams tab and select Delete.