2 Install the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel

Install the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel using the installer that you download from when you click the Edit Data in Excel tile in your visual application’s Data Manager page.


If you are upgrading from version 1.x, please review Migration first.

You can install the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel in the 32-bit version of Microsoft Excel 2016 on a computer using the Windows 10 operating system. For more details, see Supported Platforms for the Visual Builder Add-in for Excel that you retrieve from My Oracle Support (https://support.oracle.com) if you search for Doc ID 2474783.1.

Description of excel-download1.png follows
Description of the illustration excel-download1.png
Close all open instances of Excel before you double-click the vbafe-installer.exe installer file to launch the installation wizard. The following image shows the start screen of the installation wizard. Once you click Install, the installation wizard proceeds to install the add-in. It also verifies that required software is installed on the computer where you want to install the add-in. Required software includes the Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime. If this software is not present, the installer installs Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime in that order.


The user must have Administrator privileges to successfully install Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime. No administrator privileges are needed to install the add-in. The add-in is installed for the current Windows user only.
On completion of these steps a screen appears where you click Finish to close the installation wizard.
Description of vb-install-wizard.png follows
Description of the illustration vb-install-wizard.png

Once the installation of the add-in completes, start Microsoft Excel where you will see a new ribbon tab (Oracle Visual Builder), as shown in the following image. You use the commands in this ribbon tab to integrate the Excel spreadsheet with the REST service.

Description of ribbontab.png follows
Description of the illustration ribbontab.png

The add-in installer generates a log file in the following location:


The add-in is enabled by default when you install it. You can disable and re-enable it using the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel check box in the COM Add-ins window that you access by clicking Excel’s File > Options > Add-Ins menu, as shown in the following image. To verify that the add-in is correctly installed, you can download and run the Visual Builder Add-in for Excel - Client Health Check Tool. For more details, see How to use Visual Builder Add-in for Excel - Client Health Check Tool that you retrieve from My Oracle Support (https://support.oracle.com) if you search for Doc ID 2477792.1.

Description of disableaddin.png follows
Description of the illustration disableaddin.png

The Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel installer also supports optional command-line switches that you can specify with the installer executable file.

Table 2-1 Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel Installer Command-Line Switches

Switch Description


Displays a list of supported switches with description.


Suppresses the interactive mode of the installer and does not install any missing prerequisite software.

/log <path>

Runs the installer and directs the log output to the specified log file. The default log file location is %TEMP%\vbcs\vbcs-installer-log.txt.

/roaming <0|1>

Use this switch as follows:

  • 0 to install the add-in to the local application data folder (%localappdata%\Oracle\Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel). Use /roaming 0 to install to the local application data folder during an upgrade from a prior installation that was installed to the roaming application data folder.

  • 1 to install the add-in to the end user’s roaming application data folder (%appdata%\Oracle\Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel). This is the default installation location.