JavaScript Extension Development API for Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service - Classic Applications

Source: layout.dt/js/spi/ThemeProvider.js

define([], function() {

    'use strict';

     * ThemeProvider is the SPI implemented by themes to allow them to be
     * integrated into ABCS. ThemeProvider instances are registered on the
     * ThemeProviderRegistry to make them available for use in ABCS.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @exports layout.dt/js/spi/ThemeProvider
     * @constructor
     * @example <caption>An example of a simple theme provider.</caption>
     * define([
     *   'layout.dt/js/api/ThemeAssets',
     *   'layout.dt/js/api/ThemeComponentMap',
     *   'layout.dt/js/api/ThemeDescriptor',
     *   'text!API.Example/theme/layout.html',
     *   'text!API.Example/manifest.json'
     * ], function(
     *     ThemeAssets,
     *     ThemeComponentMap,
     *     ThemeDescriptor,
     *     theme,
     *     manifestJSON) {
     *   'use strict';
     *   var SimpleThemeProvider = function () {
     *     var self = this;
     *     var manifest = JSON.parse(manifestJSON);
     *     self._descriptor =
     *       new ThemeDescriptor({
     *         id:,
     *         title: manifest.displayName,
     *         description: manifest.description,
     *         preview: manifest.image,
     *         link: null,
     *         linkText: null});
     *     self._template = theme;
     *     self._package = manifest.package;
     *   };
     *   SimpleThemeProvider.prototype.getDescriptor = function() {
     *     return this._descriptor;
     *   };
     *   SimpleThemeProvider.prototype.getComponentMap = function() {
     *     var componentMap = new ThemeComponentMap();
     *     componentMap.addFavicon('abcs-tpl-app-favicon');
     *     componentMap.addThemeArea('abcs-tpl-header-bar');
     *     componentMap.addThemeArea('abcs-tpl-footer-bar');
     *     componentMap.addTitle('abcs-tpl-app-title');
     *     componentMap.addLogo('abcs-tpl-app-logo');
     *     componentMap.addCopyright('abcs-tpl-app-copyright');
     *     componentMap.addUserArea('abcs-tpl-app-user-area');
     *     var options = {boundIds: ['abcs-tpl-phone-menu'],
     *                    alternateIds:  ['abcs-tpl-app-main-menu-mobile']};
     *     componentMap.addMenuArea('abcs-tpl-app-main-menu', options);
     *     return componentMap;
     *   };
     *   SimpleThemeProvider.prototype.getAssets = function() {
     *     var assets = new ThemeAssets();
     *     assets.addAsset(ThemeAssets.Type.STYLE, 'style.css');
     *     assets.addAsset(ThemeAssets.Type.TEMPLATE, 'layout.html');
     *     assets.addAsset(ThemeAssets.Type.TEMPLATE, 'menu-horizontal-main.html');
     *     assets.addAsset(ThemeAssets.Type.TEMPLATE, 'menu-horizontal.html');
     *     assets.addAsset(ThemeAssets.Type.TEMPLATE, 'menu-mobile.html');
     *     assets.addAsset(ThemeAssets.Type.TEMPLATE, 'user-area.html');
     *     assets.addAsset(ThemeAssets.Type.IMAGE, 'menu-arrow.png');
     *     return assets;
     *   };
     *   SimpleThemeProvider.prototype.getTemplate = function() {
     *     return this._template;
     *   };
     *   SimpleThemeProvider.prototype.getAssetPath = function() {
     *     return '' + this._package + '/theme';
     *   };
     *   SimpleThemeProvider.prototype.generateViewModelRuntimeCode = function() {
     *     // Insert method to return view model runtime code here
     *   };
     *   SimpleThemeProvider.prototype.initializeViewModel = function() {
     *     // Insert code to initialize view model at design time and return a
     *     // promise to be resolved once the initialization is done.
     *     return Promise.resolve();
     *   };
     *   return new SimpleThemeProvider();
     * });
     * @see {@link layout.dt/js/api/ThemeProviderRegistry Example ThemeExtensionManager}
     *       on how to register/unregister a theme
    var ThemeProvider = function () {};

     * Returns a {@link layout.dt/js/api/ThemeDescriptor ThemeDescriptor} that
     * describes this theme. The descriptor includes the ID of the theme, along
     * with additional information that may be presented to the user.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @returns {layout.dt/js/api/ThemeDescriptor} The theme's descriptor
     * @see {@link layout.dt/js/api/ThemeDescriptor ThemeDescriptor}
    ThemeProvider.prototype.getDescriptor = function() {

     * Returns the HTML template that defines the view of the theme. This should
     * be a String containing an HTML body fragment. The best way to do this is
     * to place the markup in its own file, and then require it with a <code>
     * text!</code> prefix in the ThemeProvider (see example in constructor).
     * <p>This template must contain an empty <code>&lt;div></code> element with
     * ID <code>abcs-app-content</code> and must not include
     * <code>&lt;html></code>, <code>&lt;body></code>, or
     * <code>&lt;head></code>.</p>
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @returns {String} HTML string representing the view
     * @see {@link RequireJS loader plugin}
     *       for loading resources (<code>text!</code>)
    ThemeProvider.prototype.getTemplate = function() {

     * Returns a {@link layout.dt/js/api/ThemeComponentMap ThemeComponentMap}
     * which defines where certain ABCS components (title, logo, copyright,
     * menu, etc) should be inserted into the HTML template.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @returns {layout.dt/js/api/ThemeComponentMap} Content map for this theme
     * @see {@link layout.dt/js/api/ThemeComponentMap ThemeComponentMap}
    ThemeProvider.prototype.getComponentMap = function() {

     * Returns a {@link layout.dt/js/api/ThemeAssets ThemeAssets} object
     * representing the assets provided by this theme (other HTML templates,
     * images, css files etc).
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @returns {layout.dt/js/api/ThemeAssets} Assets for this theme
     * @see {@link layout.dt/js/api/ThemeAssets ThemeAssets}
    ThemeProvider.prototype.getAssets = function() {

     * Returns the base path to the assets supplied by this theme. Each asset
     * supplies a path relative to this base path. The base path itself should
     * be a relative path from the extensions directory.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @returns {String} base path for assets
    ThemeProvider.prototype.getAssetPath = function() {

     * Returns the ID of an element in the HTML template into which ABCS should
     * inject the application content.
     * Note: currently this is not used, and content will be injected into an
     * element with id <code>"abcs-app-content"</code>.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @returns {String} element ID for application content
    ThemeProvider.prototype.getApplicationContentId = function() {

     * Returns a String containing Javascript code to be executed in the
     * generated application after the DOM has been prepared. This code should
     * be used to initialize the view model for the theme, if required.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @returns {String} code to initialize view model in generated application
    ThemeProvider.prototype.generateViewModelRuntimeCode = function() {

     * Initializes the view model for the theme, if required. This code will be
     * executed at design time, when the theme has been refreshed.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @returns {Promise} A promise that is resolved when the view model has
     *           been initialized.
    ThemeProvider.prototype.initializeViewModel = function() {

    return ThemeProvider;