Create the Android Client Software Library Sample Applications

The Android client library sample applications must be created before they can run on your device.

  1. Build the directly connected device sample application:
    1. Open a command prompt.
    2. Browse to C:\Users\user-name\Documents\iotcs\csl\<version>\android\samples.
    3. Run this command: gradle build.
  2. Confirm the Android application package (APK) was created:
    1. Browse to C:\Users\user-name\Documents\iotcs\csl\<version>\android\samples\dcd\app\build\outputs\apk.
    2. Confirm the app-debug.apk file is in the folder
  3. Build the Enterprise sample application:
    1. Open a command prompt.
    2. Browse to C:\Users\user-name\Documents\iotas\cal\<version>\android\samples\EC.
    3. Run this command: gradle assemble.
  4. Confirm the Android application package (APK) was created:
    1. Browse to C:\Users\user-name\Documents\iotcs\csl\<version>\android\samples\EnterpriseClientSample\app\build\outputs\apk.
    2. Confirm the app-debug.apk file is in the folder
  5. Run the sample applications. See Run the Sample Android Directly Connected Device Application or Run the Sample Android Enterprise Application.