13 Glossary

This is a list of common terms used in the Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service documentation and user interface.

Term / Concept / Standard Name Description


The process when an endpoint of transitions from Registered to Active status. The point at which the ID and shared secret assigned during registration are used to create the secure association between endpoint and Oracle IoT Cloud Service.


Refers to the overall data exchange activity performed by the Oracle IoT Cloud Service, including data and alerts exchanged with devices, events triggered by the event processing component, data and actions exchanged with enterprise applications, and events related to device and software management.

Alert Message

An Oracle IoT Cloud Service message type that is used to indicate an alert condition has been detected by the device and requires further analysis by the Oracle IoT Cloud Service, or an action by a user or operator.


Specifies a set of key-value pairs of metadata that should be included in the data stream output generated by connectors to enhance messages with additional context.

Artifact Repository

The repository within the Oracle IoT Cloud Service where Device Software is stored prior to being installed on devices running the Oracle IoT Cloud Service Gateway.

Client Software

Software provided to connect edge devices or external applications with Oracle IoT Cloud Service. Client Software refers to either the Device Libraries, the Enterprise Libraries, or the Gateway that are delivered with Oracle IoT Cloud Service Client Software package.

Client Software Library

A software library used to develop device or enterprise applications that communicate with Oracle IoT Cloud Service. Client Software Libraries are provided to support a variety of languages and platforms, including Java, C, JavaScript, and Android.


An OSGi-based software framework provided by Oracle, designed to function as a gateway for devices that are unable to directly connect with Oracle IoT Cloud Service.


An internal construct used in Oracle IoT Cloud Service to associate data streams with external consumers.

Data Message

An Oracle IoT Cloud Service Message type used to transmit data from a device to the cloud service. Data Messages contain key-value pairs representing the attributes and values reported by a device.

Data Stream

A continuous sequence of messages delivering information from an endpoint to Oracle IoT Cloud Service. Data Streams typically originate on devices and are delivered via an Oracle IoT Cloud Service Client Software Library, the Oracle IoT Cloud Service Gateway, or through the Oracle IoT Cloud Service REST APIs.

Deactivated Device

A device that is no longer an active participant in the Oracle IoT Cloud Service network. Its previously assigned authentication credentials have been revoked. The device is still trusted and can request to be activated again.


A permanent condition that occurs when a device is taken out of commission.


Hardware component with communication capabilities and is able to connect to Oracle IoT Cloud Service either directly or via a Gateway Device.


Device Adapter

A piece of code that runs on the Oracle IoT Cloud Service Gateway to provide protocol support for connecting Indirectly Connected Devices.

Device Application

A software component that is running on an edge device and uses an Oracle IoT Cloud Service Client Software Library to connect to Oracle IoT Cloud Service, either directly or through a third party Gateway Device.

Device ID

An identifier that uniquely identifies a device.

Device Library

An Oracle IoT Cloud Service Client Software Library used to develop Device Applications that communicate with Oracle IoT Cloud Service. Device Libraries are typically used to expose device functionality to Oracle IoT Cloud Service.

Device Metadata

A set of attribute/value pairs that describe an entry in the device repository.

Device Model

Describes the device metadata, message formats, and resources associated with a specific type of device. A device may support multiple device models.

Device Model Repository

The set of Device Models that have been loaded into and are known by an instance of Oracle IoT Cloud Service

Device Selection Group

Logical grouping of devices based on common parameters, such as device model, location, and manufacturer, that are associated with an IoT Application

Device Software

Applications, device adapters, and other software packaged as OSGi bundles that run on the Oracle IoT Cloud Service Gateway, and whose life cycle can be managed through the Oracle IoT Cloud Service Management Console.

Directly Connected Device (DCD)

A device that is capable of communicating directly with Oracle IoT Cloud Service by running an application that uses an Oracle IoT Cloud Service Client Software Library or by calling the Oracle IoT Cloud Service REST APIs.. This device type cannot register any indirectly connected devices. The only supported direct connection protocol is HTTPS over TCP/IP.


An entity that is addressable in the Oracle IoT Cloud Service system. It has a unique ID and can be communicated with using a controlled security policy.

Endpoint ID

The globally unique identifier used to reference a specific Endpoint.

Endpoint Lifecycle

The set of state changes that occur for an endpoint in Oracle IoT Cloud Service. Supported lifecycle states are Registered, Activated, Deactivated, and Decommissioned.

Endpoint Repository

A database that contains information about all the endpoints known to Oracle IoT Cloud Service. The database is internal to Oracle IoT Cloud Service and accessible via Oracle IoT Cloud Service REST APIs requests.

Endpoint State

The operational state of an endpoint in Oracle IoT Cloud Service. The endpoint state determines whether an endpoint can actively participate in Oracle IoT Cloud Service.

Enterprise Library

A Client Software Library used to develop Enterprise Applications that communicate with IoT Cloud Service. Enterprise Libraries are typically used to inspect and control a Device.

Enterprise Application

A software component created for a specific business problem and runs externally to Oracle IoT Cloud Service. It integrates and communicates with Oracle IoT Cloud Service using one of the Oracle IoT Cloud Service connectors or by invoking Oracle IoT Cloud Service REST API.

Enterprise Application Integration

The configuration required to connect streams of incoming data with an Enterprise Application.

Gateway Device

A device that communicates with Oracle IoT Cloud Service on behalf of other devices that are incapable of direct communication with Oracle IoT Cloud Service.

IoT Application

A set of Oracle IoT Cloud Service definitions that comprise an end-to-end IoT solution. These definitions include Device Models, Explorations, and Integrations.

Indirectly Connected Device (ICD)

A device that communicates with Oracle IoT Cloud Service through a Gateway Device. These devices communicate with the Gateway Device over a non-HTTPS TCP/IP protocol or interface, such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, I2C, or GPIO. For this device to indirectly communicate with Oracle IoT Cloud Service, it is required to be connected to a Gateway Device that has already been activated with Oracle IoT Cloud Service.


The association of an incoming data stream with a data sink. The data sink may be an integrated analytics tool, such as Oracle Stream Explorer, or an external enterprise application, or PaaS. Oracle BI Cloud Service is an example of a pre-defined PaaS integration. Integrations may also contain Annotations.

Log Message

An Oracle IoT Cloud Service Message type used to transmit application or device logging information to the Oracle IoT Cloud Service.

Managed Device

A device configured with the software that supports secure bi-directional messaging, and remote provisioning and lifecycle management of applications from Oracle IoT Cloud Service. This device is configured with the installation of the Oracle IoT Cloud Service Gateway.

Management Console

The web-based user interface (UI) component of Oracle IoT Cloud Service. It is used for performing management and configuration tasks.


A single unit of data stream at a given point in time. It may be any one of the valid Message Types. The payload of a message is dependent on the message type.

Message Format

Specifies a set of key-value pairs of data that are included in an Oracle IoT Cloud Service Message payload. Each Message Format must have a unique identifier using a Uniform Resource Name (URN) value.

Message Type

The specific class of an Oracle IoT Cloud Service Message. The type of the message may be: Data, Alert or Log. The message type dictates the content of the message payload field.

Offline Device

A device that has not communicated with the Oracle IoT Cloud Service for over 60 minutes.

Online Device

A device that has successfully communicated with Oracle IoT Cloud Service within the last 60 minutes.

Registered Device

A Device that has been provisioned within the Oracle IoT Cloud Service. It has a unique identifier and shared secret that can be used to complete the Activation process.


A logical or physical entity managed by a device and registered within Oracle IoT Cloud Service. Resource values can be accessed by applications through communication with Oracle IoT Cloud Service.


A general term used to refer to the Oracle IoT Cloud Service.

Service Administrator

A person who configures and controls overall access to Oracle IoT Cloud Service, including the configuration and integration with other Oracle Cloud Services. This is person is the primary user of the Oracle IoT Cloud Service Management Console.

Service Operator

An individual who is responsible for the day-to-day Oracle IoT Cloud Services operations, such as devices’ lifecycle management and monitoring of messages.

Service User

A person who views data and reports generated by Oracle IoT Cloud Service. This person uses either the Management Console or external applications integrated with Oracle IoT Cloud Service.

Shared Secret

A symmetric key that is required to be available on both the device and Oracle IoT Cloud Service for a successful device activation. The shared secret can be created automatically by Oracle IoT Cloud Service during the registration process or provided by the device or the service administrator.

Software Repository

Built-in storage and retrieval mechanism for software packages intended to be deployed as device applications on Managed Devices.


Persistence of message to the internal data store in Oracle IoT Cloud Service.

Unmanaged Device

A device configured with software that only supports a secure bi-directional messaging with Oracle IoT Cloud Service and does not support software installation or application lifecycle management.