Locate Diagnostic Information for Oracle Support

To resolve support issues quickly, send the Oracle support team the diagnostic information listed in the table.

To locate and view diagnostic information, see Find Diagnostic Information to Help with Troubleshooting.

Diagnostic Information Description Example

Server Version Number

Record the version number of the Oracle Cloud instance.

Client Platform Version

Record the client platform version.

Client library information for each platform.

Java or Android Compiler Version

Record the version number of the device Java or Android compiler.

Android 7.0

Error Message

Record the error message or attach a screen image.

Operation failed. Cause: {"type":"https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html","title":"Project was not found: ProjectId{iotAppId='0-AD', serviceId='0-AD'}","status":"404"}

Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service URL

Record the URL of the Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service instance.


Error Message Time Stamp

Record the time and date the error occurred.

Tue, Feb 7, 2017 1:07:42 PM

Log File

Provide a log file that documents the issue.


Screen Images

Attach relevant screen images of the error message or the page where the error occurred.

Include a screen image with annotations.

Navigation Path

Provide the navigation path to the page where the error occurred.

Device Model > Device Model Details