Manage Simulated Devices

Use the simulation model page to start and stop your simulated devices, or change the event states associated with one or more devices. You can also delete a simulated device from this page.

  1. On the Simulations page, click the appropriate simulation model name.

    The list of simulation devices available for the simulation model appears. The top of the page contains metrics like the number of running devices and their event states.

  2. Select Running to run the simulation, or deselect to stop the simulation.

    When you are on a device page, the Running option appears as the Status (On/Off) option.

  3. Select/deselect an event against a device row to change the event state of the device.

    For example, a Blue Pump device lets you change the powered state of the device by toggling the Power off event. An HVAC device lets you trigger the Motor Failure event.