Troubleshoot Integrations

Use the information in this topic to resolve known issues that you may encounter while working with integrations.

  • Issue: New messages do not seem to appear under the Messages tab for the Integration.

    Description: Messages are listed under the Messages tab of the Integration page for an IoT Cloud Service Integration. The messages appear in descending order by sentTime. This means that the latest messages appear near the top. However, the messages that are not dispatched successfully have a sentTime value of 0. This results in these failed messages appearing at the bottom of the list.

    Workaround: If you have a lot of dispatched messages in the list, you need to scroll down to the earliest messages in order to see the non-dispatched messages.

    You can also use a REST command to obtain the list of non-dispatched messages. An example command follows. Notice that the since and until parameters are set to 0 and 1 respectively for non-dispatched messages. You can additionally adjust the values of offset and limit.

    GET https://iotserver/iot/api/v2/apps/AAAAAARUNC8A-5EBQ/integrations/AAAAAARUNC8A-CMEA/messages?limit=100&offset=0&type=DATA&since=0&until=1

    See REST API Reference for Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service for more details on the REST command.

    See Verifying Integration Connectivity for verifying connectivity to the integration target.

  • Issue: Messages show up only sporadically or randomly.

    Description: If messages show up sporadically, or at random intervals, you might be experiencing intermittent dispatch failures for one or more of your integrations. When an IoT integration is unable to dispatch a message, the IoT server waits 10 seconds before attempting to dispatch to the integration URL again. If the dispatch fails again, the IoT server waits 20 seconds before the next dispatch. For each additional failure, the IoT server adds an additional 10 seconds to the wait-time. This behavior ensures that the IoT server doesn't spend too many cycles on repeated failures. The wait-time can increment up to a maximum value of one hour.

    A message dispatch can fail for a variety of reasons. For example:
    • Network connectivity issue. See Verifying Integration Connectivity for verifying connectivity to the integration target.

    • Incorrect URL.

    • Application at the other end of the Integration URL returns an error code.

    • Application at the other end of the Integration URL takes too long to return a response.

    1. Verify that the application at the other end of the integration URL accepts messages successfully.
      1. Use a curl command to send a message directly to the application and verify a successful response.

      2. Make sure that the message response from the application does not take too long. A value of 20 seconds, for example, would be too long.

      3. Make adjustments, as necessary, to the external system to ensure that a successful response is received within the time that you would expect.

    2. Send messages to the integration, and the messages should be received correctly.

    3. Repeat the previous steps if the messages show up sporadically or randomly.