iotcs.config packageΒΆ

The config module defines a set of tunable parameters.

The tunable parameter control various behaviors of the library including messaging, network, etc..

# Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
# This software is dual-licensed to you under the MIT License (MIT) and
# the Universal Permissive License (UPL).  See the LICENSE file in the root
# directory for license terms.  You may choose either license, or both.


# Set this property to a valid path to enable local storage of device models

# When ${device_model_store} is a valid path device models will have a prefix
# of ${prefix} and suffix of ${suffix}

# Default: false
# If true, a device can be activated without a device model on the server for
# the device. The server will create a
# draft device model which contains no attributes. A draft device model allows
# devices to be brought on-line ahead of the server being provisioned with the
# device model. However, attempts by the device to set an attribute when using a
# draft device model will fail.


# Set to True to use the IOT Cloud Service web REST api


# Default: 4192 bytes
# The total size all of incoming messages received from the server that have
# not been handled by callbacks to the
# application.

# Default: false
# Long polling is used by default, set this to true to disable it.

# Default: 1
# Number of threads created for dispatching request messages so that
# request handlers can be executed in parallel.
# This number should be specified as greater than one, else it will be ignored
# and the default value of one will be used for request handler thread pool
# size. Request Dispatcher should be used for request handling for this setting
# to be effective.

# Default: 10000
# Total messages to queue. Attempts to send messages when the queue is full
# will result in an error.

# Default: 100
# Maximum number of outgoing messages to send in one payload per HTTPS
# connection to the server.

# Default: 3 seconds
# The polling interval, in seconds, for message dispatching. If a message is
# not sent to the server within this timeout, an empty message will be sent in
# order to solicit request messages that may be queued in the server.

# Default: 100 milliseconds
# The time, in milliseconds, added to the receive timeout given by the
# application and then used for the client transport timeout.

# Default: 100 milliseconds
# Only used when long polling is disabled. The minimum time, in milliseconds,
# since the last send before polling the server for incoming messages if the
# receive buffer is empty. A larger value may cause a delay in the receipt of
# incoming messages, but will cause less network overhead. A value of zero
# will cause the library to skip the poll for incoming messages when calling
# receive if the receive buffer is empty.

# Default: 15000 milliseconds
# Only used when long polling is disabled. The amount of time, in milliseconds,
# to wait for the server to respond
# to an HTTPS request.

# The number of retry attempts made by the MessageDispatcher
dispatcher_basic_number_of_retries = 3

# The amount of time to wait before dispatching requests that were dispatched
# when initially received, milliseconds
dispatcher_settle_time = 10000

# The maximum number of times to try and obtain an access token
access_token_max_retries = 3

# The number of seconds to wait for a message to become available in the
# message queue or for space to become available if the maximum size,
# dispatcher_max_queue_size, is reached
message_queue_waittime = 10

# Amount of time in milliseconds to backoff in the face of a 503 from the
# server. This is the starting value for the amount of time to backoff.
# The backoff time increases exponentially if the server continues to return
# a 503. Defaults to 1000 milliseconds. Not less than 100 milliseconds.

# The default Message.Reliability for DataMessages.

# The default Message.Reliability for AlertMessages


# The client library version

# The library assumes that if client_ip_address is set,
# client_mac_addrese is also set

# The fixed client IP address

# The client MAC address

# A colon separated string of paths <path0>:<path1> or a single path used
# by diagnostics to collect total and free disk usage


# Default: 3000 milliseconds
# The amount of delay, in milliseconds, between polls for messages by the
# MessagePoller. This setting affects how
# often a MessageEnumerator.MessageListener instance may be called.

# Default: 10
# The maximum number of messages to return on a single poll by the
# MessagePoller. The value will be clamped
# between 10 and 200, inclusive.

# Default: 10 messages
# The number of messages in each page the message enumerator retrives from the
# server.


# Default: true
# Controls whether or not logged messages should be pretty printed. Pretty
# printing the messages makes the JSON easier to read. By default, pretty
# printing is enabled. Set this property to false to disable pretty printing
# for a more compact view of the logged messages.


# Default: -1 seconds (default to the servers timeout)
# The maximum time in seconds iotcs.http.SecureConnection will wait for the
# the server to respond to a request. If the library is "long polling"
# "[device_messaging]["disable_long_polling"] == False", the request will wait
# for the server to respond, typically 10 minutes.
# If set to -1 SecureConnection will defer to the server. If greater than zero
# the SecureConnection will use the value set here.

# Default: -1 (default to the servers timeout)
# The maximum time in seconds (a float) iotcs.http.SecureConnection will wait
# for the the server to respond to a request. If the library is "long polling"
# ''["device_messaging"]["disable_long_polling"] == False', the request will
# wait for the server to respond, typically 10 minutes.
# If not set or 0.0 SecureConnection will defer to the server. If greater than
# zero the SecureConnection will use the value set here.

# Default: None
# The proxy to use for requests. The form of the url is
# <scheme>://<host>:<port>/ eg.
# Note: The url MUST have a trailing slash

# Default: None
# The user ID and password, separated by a colon, for basic proxy authentication.
# proxy_auth=userid:password

# Default: false
# Disable the prefixing the storage object's name with the device's client ID
# and a directory separator.

# Default: None
# The proxy to use for all media storage requests. The form of the url is
# <scheme>://<host>:<port>/ eg.
# Note: The url MUST have a trailing slash


# Default: ETHERNET
# Used by the "batchByCost" device function, set this property to the type of
# connected network. The property may be set from the application code; for
# example, when the type of connected network changes.


# Default: persistence store database name for messages
# The name the database used for persisting messages.
# If a relative path (no leading "/") the library uses the user's HOME
# directory.

# Default: true
# If True, the client library will persist data.


# Default: persistence store database name for policy batch persistence
# The name the database used for persisting "batchBy" policy data.
# If a relative path (no leading "/") the library uses the user's HOME
# directory

# Default: true
# If True, the client library will persist data.