Using mongoDB Query Syntax

Oracle IoT Cloud Service REST APIs use q as a query parameter and follow the mongoDB query syntax to provide the values of the q parameter. mongoDB is a open source document database. The format of the parameter values that forms your search criteria, are described in the following sections.


The search criteria contains a name of the parameter and a value that is also know as an expression. An example of using q parameter is as follows:

https://iotserver:7002/iot/api/v2/devices?q={"serialNumber":{"$like" "serial%"}}


In all the examples, iotserver will be replaced by name and port of your assigned Oracle IoT Cloud Service instance. The format of the Cloud Service instance is and the default port is 443.

The response to the request contains all devices whose serialNumber field starts with serial.

Here serialNumber is the name of the parameter and {"$like" : "serial%"} is the expression. The expression has two parts, the operator appears first and is prefixed by $

and then the search value is provided following a :.

Conventions for Parameter Names

  • The name of the parameter cannot start with a $ symbol.

  • The full path of the parameter must be provided.


    Consider a device described in the following JSON file:
        "manufacturer" : "Oracle",
        "serialNimber" : "123",
        "deviceModels" : [
            {"urn" : "example:urn", "name" : "name1"},
            {"urn" : "another:example:urn", "name" : "name2"},
    The query parameter to search for a name or a urn field of device models is as follows:
    {"" : "name1"}
    {"deviceModels.urn" : {"$like" : "%example%"} }

Types of Operators in an Expression

Operator Definition Syntax
$eq Equal expression {"field": { "$eq":"value" } }
$gt Greater than expression {"field": {"$gt" : "value"} }
$gte Greater than or equal expression {"field": { "$gte" : "value" } }
&le Less than expression {"field": { "$lt" : "value" } }
$lte Less than or equal expression {"field": { "$lte" : "value" } }
$ne Not equal expression {"field": { "$ne" : "value"} }
$in Matches any of the values specified in an array {"field": { "$in" : ["value1", "value2", ... "valueN" ] } }
$exists All values which is not null {"field": {"$exists":true|false] } }
$like matches to string pattern mentioned in value

{ "field" : { "$like" : "string pattern" } }


string pattern may contain ' % ' or , '_' :

% represents zero or more characters

_ represents a single character

Operator Definition Syntax
$and Joins query expressions using logical AND operation { "$and" : [{expression1}, {expression2}, ... {expressionN}] }
$or Joins query expressions using logical OR operation { "$or" : [{expression1}, {expression2}, ... {expressionN}] }
$not Logical not operation { "$not" : {expression} }

Examples of Expressions

Operator Example

{"serialNumber" : {"$eq" : "serial-232"}}

{"manufacturer" : "Oracle"}

$gt {"temperatureMaxValue" : {"$gt" : 20}}
$gte {"temperatureMinValue" : {"$gte" : 20}}
&le {"temperatureMaxValue" : {"$lt" : 20}}
$lte {"temperatureMaxValue" : {"$lte" : 20}}
$ne {"connectivityStatus" : {"$ne" : "NEVER_HEARD_BEFORE"}}
$in {"ledLight" : {"$in" : ["red", "blue", "green"]}}
$exists {"wheel" : {"$exists" : true}}
$like {"serialNumber" : {"$like" : "RS-%"}}
$and { "$and" : [{"manufacturer" : "Oracle"}, {"serialNumber" : {"$like" : "serial-%"}}, {"connectivityStatus" : "ONLINE"}] }
$or { "$or" : [{"connectivityStatus" : "OFFLINE"}, {"connectivityStatus" : "ONLINE"}] }
$not { "$not" : {"connectivityStatus" : "NEVER_HEARD_BEFORE"} }