IoT Application Exploration REST Endpoints

IoT Application Exploration
IoT Application Exploration APIs are deprecated and may be removed in a future release. The APIs work with Exploration Sources to facilitate real time event stream processing. These REST APIs allow users to create and manage IoT Application Explorations within IoT Cloud Service. Additionally, these REST APIs allow the creation, management, and association of IoT message formats to these Explorations.
Create a Message Format and Associate with an Exploration
Method: post
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorations
Create a New Exploration Source
Method: post
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorationSources
Delete the Exploration Source
Method: delete
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorationSources/{explorationsource-id}
Delete the Message Format and Association with an Exploration
Method: delete
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorations/{explorationID}
Delete the Message Format Locally (from IoT database only)
Method: delete
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorations/{explorationID}/{urn}
Replace Exploration Source Details Specified by ID
Method: post
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorationSources/{explorationsource-id}
Retrieve an Exploration Source
Method: get
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorationSources/{explorationsource-id}
Retrieve Exploration Sources of an Application
Method: get
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorationSources
Retrieve the List of Message Format Associations
Method: get
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorations
Retrieve the Message Format Association with an Exploration
Method: get
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorations/{explorationID}
Update Exploration Source Details Specified by ID
Method: put
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorationSources/{explorationsource-id}
Update the Message Format and Associate with an Exploration
Method: put
Path: /iot/api/v2/apps/{app-id}/explorations/{explorationID}