IoT Device Models REST Endpoints

IoT Device Models
Device Models
Check a Device Model Update
Method: post
Path: /iot/api/v2/deviceModels/{urn}/updateCheck
Create a Device Model
Method: post
Path: /iot/api/v2/deviceModels
Delete a Device Model
Method: delete
Path: /iot/api/v2/deviceModels/{urn}
Retrieve a Device Model
Method: get
Path: /iot/api/v2/deviceModels/{urn}
Retrieve a list of entities depending on this device model
Method: get
Path: /iot/api/v2/deviceModels/{urn}/dependingEntities
Retrieve Count of Device Models
Method: get
Path: /iot/api/v2/deviceModels/count
Retrieve Device Models
Method: get
Path: /iot/api/v2/deviceModels
Retrieve Formats of the Device Model
Method: get
Path: /iot/api/v2/deviceModels/{urn}/formats
Update a Device Model
Method: put
Path: /iot/api/v2/deviceModels/{urn}