Create New Integration



Create a new Integration instance.

An integration is a composite object consisting of the following:
  • Name
  • Description
  • Type
  • Configurations
  • Authentication type & its configurations
  • Storage enabled flag
  • Streams
A stream within an integration consists of the following:
  • One or more message formats
  • Annotations (optional)
  • Stream-specific configuration (optional)
Note that an integration exists within the scope of an application.

Integration Types

The following integration types are supported:
  • BICS
  • JDE
  • MCS
  • SCS
  • OIC
Each integration type may choose to define its own set of restrictions or requirements on the composition for the integration itself. For example, it may define some necessary configuration items or restrict the number of formats allowed within each stream. Please refer to each integration type to learn more about these restrictions.

ENTERPRISE Integration

An enterprise integration is a generic integration that can be used to POST data to an external application/cloud service. Note that we now optionally support adding custom static HTTP headers as part of the integration configuration.
ENTERPRISE Integrations can be used for bi-directional data/information flow between an IoT Application and the external applications. To establish inbound channel Integration's endpoint id and shared secret are used by an application to authenticate in the IoT Cloud Service and to get authorization to access the IoT REST APIs. Outbound connection is implemented through the Integration's message dispatching mechanism. If a message's sender belongs to an IoT Application and format field in payload refers to a format, registered on one of the DeviceModels that the Application supports, the message will be mapped to the IoT Application. If the Enterprise Integration under the Application is interested in the format of the message, wihch is indicated in the format list of its streams, the message will be dispatched to the URL of the integration.
Requirements: Nothing specific
Restrictions: Stream level configuration is not supported
Note: Optional HTTP headers are set as a part of config (Integration level) with the key httpHeaders.

BICS Integration

A BICS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle's Business Intelligence Cloud Service.
BICS Integrations can be used to turn message streams into table data transmitted to and consumed by the BI Cloud Service.
Requirements: Each stream must have a stream-level config element of tableName which represents the name of the table to be created/populated on the BICS side.
Restrictions: Each stream can have one and only one message format specified. No two streams within the same integration may specify the same message format. Once a BICS stream is synchronized to the BICS server, you should avoid changes of or to the message format. The table on the BICS server will not be updated to reflect the new message structure and future synchronizations will be blocked.
Note: Optional HTTP headers are not supported for BICS Integrations.

JD Edwards Integration

A JD Edwards (JDE) integration targets a particular IoT Orchestration that is exposed by a relevant JDE instance.
  1. Integration level configuration should define the following items:
    • URL - The JDE instance URL
    • Orchestration - The name of the IoT orchestrator with which we're integrating
  2. Authentication type should be specified as BASIC
  3. Connection credential configuration should be specified
Restrictions: Each stream should have only one format. However multiple streams per format will be supported
  1. Some notes on integration level configuration items:
    • messageType>: Defines the message type that is supported by the JDE orchestrator. Supported values are JDE_STANDARD or IOT_STANDARD (defaults to IOT_STANDARD, if not specified).
    • fields>: If the IoT orchestration supports JDE STANDARD message type, then this item is a mandatory requirement. This item is a JSON object that defines a mapping between the fields of the orchestration and their data types.
  2. Some notes on stream level configuration items:
    • If the orchestration targeted specifies JDE STANDARD message type then for each stream's configuration should contain an item named mapping. This item is a JSON object that defines the mapping between the names of the orchestration fields and the equivalent names from the IoT Message format's fields or annotations chosen'
  3. The message type, fields, their data types can be determined from the return payload of JDE's discovery service. Each orchestration within the discovery payload defines the input type as: JDE_STANDARD or GENERIC. The corresponding names for messageType fields is JDE_STANDARD and IOT_STANDARD respectively
  4. If the message type is IOT_STANDARD, then it is assumed that the corresponding IoT Orchestration is capable of accepting IoT's standard message format

Mobile Cloud Service Integration

A Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) integration targets REST endpoints available on an MCS Mobile Backend.
  1. Integration level configuration should define the following items:
    • URL - The URL to an available REST endpoint within an MCS mobile backend
    • Mobile Backend ID - The ID associated with the targeted MCS mobile backend, specified within httpHeaders key.
  2. Authentication type should be specified as BASIC
  3. Connection credential configuration should be specified
Restrictions: Stream level configuration is not supported
Note: Oracle-Mobile-BACKEND-ID HTTP header should be specified as part of config within httpHeaders.

Oracle Storage Cloud Service Integration

The OSCS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle Storage Cloud Service (OSCS).
OSCS Integrations can be used to communication with any product based on OSCS.
Requirements: Each stream must have a stream-level config element contains two special fields. One of them has name containerName> and the value is the name of OSCS container. Other field is named objectName> and the value is the name of object inside container. Container's and object's names in various streams need not be unique.
Restrictions: Each stream can have one and only one message format specified. No two streams within the same integration may specify the same message format. Once an OSCS stream is synchronized to the OSCS server, you should avoid changes of or to the message format. The table on the BICS server will not be updated to reflect the new message structure and future synchronizations will be blocked.
Note: Optional HTTP headers are not supported for OSCS Integrations.

Oracle Integration Cloud Integration

The Oracle Integration Cloud integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to an Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) instance.
Requirements: Each stream should contain a value for resourceUri, which is a relative URL value of the form INTEGRATION_NAME/VERSION_STRING/RESOURCE_URL to be added to config:url.
Restrictions: Each stream can have only one message format specified. However, multiple streams per format will be supported.
Note: Optional HTTP headers are not supported for OIC Integrations.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
  • Enterprise_Integration
    An enterprise integration is a generic integration that can be used to POST data to an external application/cloud service. Note that we now optionally support adding custom static HTTP headers as part of the integration configuration. ENTERPRISE Integrations can be used for bi-directional data/information flow between an IoT Application and the external applications. To establish inbound channel Integration's endpoint id and shared secret are used by an application to authenticate in the IoT Cloud Service and to get authorization to access the IoT REST APIs. Outbound connection is implemented through the Integration's message dispatching mechanism. If a message's sender belongs to an IoT Application and format field in payload refers to a format, registered on one of the DeviceModels that the Application supports, the message will be mapped to the IoT Application. If the Enterprise Integration under the Application is interested in the format of the message, wihch is indicated in the format list of its streams, the message will be dispatched to the URL of the integration.
  • BICS_Integration
    A BICS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle's Business Intelligence Cloud Service. BICS Integrations can be used to turn message streams into table data transmitted to and consumed by the BI Cloud Service.
  • JDE_Integration
    A JD Edwards (JDE) integration targets a particular IoT Orchestration that is exposed by a relevant JDE instance.
  • MCS_Integration
    A Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) integration targets REST endpoints available on an MCS Mobile Backend.
  • OSCS_Integration
    The OSCS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle Storage Cloud Service (OSCS). OSCS Integrations can be used to communication with any product based on OSCS.
  • OIC_Integration
    The Oracle Integration Cloud integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to an Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) instance.
  • OAC_Integration
    The Oracle Analytics Cloud integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to an Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) instance. OAC Integrations can be used to turn message streams into table data transmitted to and consumed by an OAC instance.
Nested Schema : Enterprise_Integration
Type: object
An enterprise integration is a generic integration that can be used to POST data to an external application/cloud service. Note that we now optionally support adding custom static HTTP headers as part of the integration configuration. ENTERPRISE Integrations can be used for bi-directional data/information flow between an IoT Application and the external applications. To establish inbound channel Integration's endpoint id and shared secret are used by an application to authenticate in the IoT Cloud Service and to get authorization to access the IoT REST APIs. Outbound connection is implemented through the Integration's message dispatching mechanism. If a message's sender belongs to an IoT Application and format field in payload refers to a format, registered on one of the DeviceModels that the Application supports, the message will be mapped to the IoT Application. If the Enterprise Integration under the Application is interested in the format of the message, wihch is indicated in the format list of its streams, the message will be dispatched to the URL of the integration.
Show Source
  • authConfig
    Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
  • Type of authentication for outbound connections. IoT Cloud Service supports only BASIC authentication.
  • config
    Integration-level configuration. Two types of values are supported: String and Map. For ENTERPRISE Integration there is only one mandatory entry for config: url. httpHeaders is a reserved config entry for specifying an HTTP headers Map (key as a header name, value as the header value) for outbound connection requests. This field is mandatory.
  • Integration description
  • Integration name. NOTE: When name is omitted or a supplied as a zero-length string the implementation generates a default name automatically.
  • Shared secret. Is specified for inbound connections only and is used by external applications to authenticate in the IoT Cloud Service and to get authorization to access the IoT REST APIs. The value should be base64 encoded.
  • The flag specifying whether the Integration messages should be persisted
  • streams
    The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
  • ENTERPRISE. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : BICS_Integration
Type: object
A BICS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle's Business Intelligence Cloud Service. BICS Integrations can be used to turn message streams into table data transmitted to and consumed by the BI Cloud Service.
Show Source
  • authConfig
    Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
  • Type of authentication for outbound connections. IoT Cloud Service supports only BASIC authentication.
  • config
    Integration-level configuration. Two types of values are supported: String and Map. For BICS Integration there are two mandatory entries for config: url and identityDomain. This field is mandatory.
  • Integration description
  • Integration name. NOTE: When name is omitted or a supplied as a zero-length string the implementation generates a default name automatically.
  • streams
    The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
  • BICS. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : JDE_Integration
Type: object
A JD Edwards (JDE) integration targets a particular IoT Orchestration that is exposed by a relevant JDE instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : MCS_Integration
Type: object
A Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) integration targets REST endpoints available on an MCS Mobile Backend.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OSCS_Integration
Type: object
The OSCS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle Storage Cloud Service (OSCS). OSCS Integrations can be used to communication with any product based on OSCS.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OIC_Integration
Type: object
The Oracle Integration Cloud integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to an Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) instance.
Show Source
  • authConfig
    Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
  • Type of authentication for outbound connections. IoT Cloud Service supports BASIC authentication.
  • config
    Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
  • Integration description
  • Integration name. NOTE: When name is omitted or a supplied as a zero-length string the implementation generates a default name automatically.
  • streams
    The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
  • ICS. This field is mandatory. Note: For historical reasons, the predecessor to OIC, which is ICS, will be used for type.
Nested Schema : OAC_Integration
Type: object
The Oracle Analytics Cloud integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to an Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) instance. OAC Integrations can be used to turn message streams into table data transmitted to and consumed by an OAC instance.
Show Source
  • authConfig
    Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
  • BASIC. This field is mandatory.
  • config
    Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
  • Integration description
  • Integration name. NOTE: When name is omitted or a supplied as a zero-length string the implementation generates a default name automatically.
  • streams
    The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
  • OACS. This field is mandatory. Note: For historical reasons, the predecessor to OAC, which is OACS, will be used for type.
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. Two types of values are supported: String and Map. For ENTERPRISE Integration there is only one mandatory entry for config: url. httpHeaders is a reserved config entry for specifying an HTTP headers Map (key as a header name, value as the header value) for outbound connection requests. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Enterprise_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • formats
    List of Message Formats the Stream is associated with. At least one Format is required for an ENTERPRISE Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
List of Message Formats the Stream is associated with. At least one Format is required for an ENTERPRISE Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. Two types of values are supported: String and Map. For BICS Integration there are two mandatory entries for config: url and identityDomain. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : BICS_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Additional stream options list. Only tableName is supported at this moment, which means the table name on BICS cloud server side. Note that the table name value should be within 30 characters.
  • formats
    The Message Format the Stream is associated with. One and only one Format is required for a BICS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Additional stream options list. Only tableName is supported at this moment, which means the table name on BICS cloud server side. Note that the table name value should be within 30 characters.
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format the Stream is associated with. One and only one Format is required for a BICS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for the JDE instance. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded. This filed is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
  • fields
    This is a required item when JDE_STANDARD message type is specified. This Map entry specifies the input data types for the each of the orchestration fields. The entries may be specified in the payload as follows: "fields": { "orchestration_field": "field_type" }
  • Orchestration's supported message format (supported types: IOT_STANDARD (default) or JDE_STANDARD
  • The target JDE IoT Orchestration. This field is mandatory
  • The JDE instance URL. This field is mandatory
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : fields
Type: object
This is a required item when JDE_STANDARD message type is specified. This Map entry specifies the input data types for the each of the orchestration fields. The entries may be specified in the payload as follows: "fields": { "orchestration_field": "field_type" }
Nested Schema : JDE_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Stream level configuration. This is only required if messageType is set to JDE_STANDARD
  • formats
    The Message Format associated with the Stream. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Stream level configuration. This is only required if messageType is set to JDE_STANDARD
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format associated with the Stream. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : mapping
Type: object
This Map stores the association between the fields of the message format or an annotation to that of an orchestration's field
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for the MCS instance. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : httpHeaders
Type: object
A key-value map. Must contain a value for Oracle-Mobile-BACKEND-ID. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : MCS_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • formats
    List of Message Formats the Stream is associated with. At least one Format is required for MCS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
List of Message Formats the Stream is associated with. At least one Format is required for MCS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for OAUTH2 authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OSCS_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Additional stream options list. Only objectName is supported at this moment, which means name of object on OSCS cloud server side. Note that the value of object name should be within 30 characters.
  • formats
    The Message Format associated with the Stream. One and only one Format is required for an OSCS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Additional stream options list. Only objectName is supported at this moment, which means name of object on OSCS cloud server side. Note that the value of object name should be within 30 characters.
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format associated with the Stream. One and only one Format is required for an OSCS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : mapping
Type: object
This Map stores the association between the fields of the message format or an annotation to that of an orchestration's field
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OIC_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Additional stream options list. Only resourceUri is currently supported.
  • formats
    The Message Format associated with the Stream. Only one Format is required for an OIC Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Additional stream options list. Only resourceUri is currently supported.
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format associated with the Stream. Only one Format is required for an OIC Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : resourceUri
Type: object
A relative URL value of the form INTEGRATION_NAME/VERSION_STRING/RESOURCE_URL relative to config url
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OAC_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Additional stream options list. Only tableName is supported at this moment, which means the table name on OAC cloud server side. Note that the table name value should be within 30 characters.
  • formats
    The Message Format the Stream is associated with. One and only one Format is required for a OAC Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Additional stream options list. Only tableName is supported at this moment, which means the table name on OAC cloud server side. Note that the table name value should be within 30 characters.
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format the Stream is associated with. One and only one Format is required for a OAC Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

202 Response

Successfully processed
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
  • Enterprise_Integration_receive
    An enterprise integration is a generic integration that can be used to POST data to an external application/cloud service. Note that we now optionally support adding custom static HTTP headers as part of the integration configuration. ENTERPRISE Integrations can be used for bi-directional data/information flow between an IoT Application and the external applications. To establish inbound channel Integration's endpoint id and shared secret are used by an application to authenticate in the IoT Cloud Service and to get authorization to access the IoT REST APIs. Outbound connection is implemented through the Integration's message dispatching mechanism. If a message's sender belongs to an IoT Application and format field in payload refers to a format, registered on one of the DeviceModels that the Application supports, the message will be mapped to the IoT Application. If the Enterprise Integration under the Application is interested in the format of the message, wihch is indicated in the format list of its streams, the message will be dispatched to the URL of the integration.
  • BICS_Integration_receive
    A BICS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle's Business Intelligence Cloud Service. BICS Integrations can be used to turn message streams into table data transmitted to and consumed by the BI Cloud Service.
  • JDE_Integration_receive
    A JD Edwards (JDE) integration targets a particular IoT Orchestration that is exposed by a relevant JDE instance.
  • MCS_Integration_receive
    A Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) integration targets REST endpoints available on an MCS Mobile Backend.
  • OSCS_Integration_receive
    The OSCS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle Storage Cloud Service (OSCS). OSCS Integrations can be used to communication with any product based on OSCS.
  • OIC_Integration_receive
    The Oracle Integration Cloud integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to an Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) instance.
  • OAC_Integration_receive
    The Oracle Analytics Cloud integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to an Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) instance.
Nested Schema : Enterprise_Integration_receive
Type: object
An enterprise integration is a generic integration that can be used to POST data to an external application/cloud service. Note that we now optionally support adding custom static HTTP headers as part of the integration configuration. ENTERPRISE Integrations can be used for bi-directional data/information flow between an IoT Application and the external applications. To establish inbound channel Integration's endpoint id and shared secret are used by an application to authenticate in the IoT Cloud Service and to get authorization to access the IoT REST APIs. Outbound connection is implemented through the Integration's message dispatching mechanism. If a message's sender belongs to an IoT Application and format field in payload refers to a format, registered on one of the DeviceModels that the Application supports, the message will be mapped to the IoT Application. If the Enterprise Integration under the Application is interested in the format of the message, wihch is indicated in the format list of its streams, the message will be dispatched to the URL of the integration.
Show Source
  • authConfig
    Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
  • Type of authentication for outbound connections. IoT Cloud Service supports only BASIC authentication.
  • config
    Integration-level configuration. Two types of values are supported: String and Map. For ENTERPRISE Integration there is only one mandatory entry for config: url. httpHeaders is a reserved config entry for specifying an HTTP headers Map (key as a header name, value as the header value) for outbound connection requests. This field is mandatory.
  • The time when the Integration is created as a long value corresponding to epoch time in milliseconds.
  • The time when the Integration is created as a string.
  • Integration description
  • ID of the Integration
  • links
  • Integration name. NOTE: When name is omitted or a supplied as a zero-length string the implementation generates a default name automatically.
  • Shared secret. Is specified for inbound connections only and is used by external applications to authenticate in the IoT Cloud Service and to get authorization to access the IoT REST APIs. The value should be base64 encoded.
  • State of the Integration. Valid values are [].
  • The flag specifying whether the Integration messages should be persisted
  • streams
    The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
  • ENTERPRISE. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : BICS_Integration_receive
Type: object
A BICS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle's Business Intelligence Cloud Service. BICS Integrations can be used to turn message streams into table data transmitted to and consumed by the BI Cloud Service.
Show Source
  • authConfig
    Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
  • Type of authentication for outbound connections. IoT Cloud Service supports only BASIC authentication.
  • config
    Integration-level configuration. Two types of values are supported: String and Map. For BICS Integration there is only one mandatory entry for config: url. This field is mandatory.
  • The time when the Integration is created as a long value corresponding to epoch time in milliseconds.
  • The time when the Integration is created as a string.
  • Integration description
  • ID of the Integration
  • links
  • Integration name. NOTE: When name is omitted or a supplied as a zero-length string the implementation generates a default name automatically.
  • State of the Integration. Valid values are [].
  • streams
    The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
  • BICS. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : JDE_Integration_receive
Type: object
A JD Edwards (JDE) integration targets a particular IoT Orchestration that is exposed by a relevant JDE instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : MCS_Integration_receive
Type: object
A Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) integration targets REST endpoints available on an MCS Mobile Backend.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OSCS_Integration_receive
Type: object
The OSCS integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to Oracle Storage Cloud Service (OSCS). OSCS Integrations can be used to communication with any product based on OSCS.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OIC_Integration_receive
Type: object
The Oracle Integration Cloud integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to an Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OAC_Integration_receive
Type: object
The Oracle Analytics Cloud integration is an integration that can be used to forward message data to an Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. Two types of values are supported: String and Map. For ENTERPRISE Integration there is only one mandatory entry for config: url. httpHeaders is a reserved config entry for specifying an HTTP headers Map (key as a header name, value as the header value) for outbound connection requests. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Enterprise_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • formats
    List of Message Formats the Stream is associated with. At least one Format is required for an ENTERPRISE Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
List of Message Formats the Stream is associated with. At least one Format is required for an ENTERPRISE Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. Two types of values are supported: String and Map. For BICS Integration there is only one mandatory entry for config: url. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : BICS_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Additional stream options list. Only tableName is supported at this moment, which means the table name on BICS cloud server side. Note that the table name value should be within 30 characters.
  • formats
    The Message Format the Stream is associated with. One and only one Format is required for a BICS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Additional stream options list. Only tableName is supported at this moment, which means the table name on BICS cloud server side. Note that the table name value should be within 30 characters.
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format the Stream is associated with. One and only one Format is required for a BICS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for the JDE instance. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded. This filed is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
  • fields
    This is a required item when JDE_STANDARD message type is specified. This Map entry specifies the input data types for the each of the orchestration fields. The entries may be specified in the payload as follows: "fields": { "orchestration_field": "field_type" }
  • Orchestration's supported message format (supported types: IOT_STANDARD (default) or JDE_STANDARD
  • The target JDE IoT Orchestration. This field is mandatory
  • The JDE instance URL. This field is mandatory
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : fields
Type: object
This is a required item when JDE_STANDARD message type is specified. This Map entry specifies the input data types for the each of the orchestration fields. The entries may be specified in the payload as follows: "fields": { "orchestration_field": "field_type" }
Nested Schema : JDE_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Stream level configuration. This is only required if messageType is set to JDE_STANDARD
  • formats
    The Message Format associated with the Stream. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Stream level configuration. This is only required if messageType is set to JDE_STANDARD
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format associated with the Stream. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : mapping
Type: object
This Map stores the association between the fields of the message format or an annotation to that of an orchestration's field
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for the MCS instance. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : httpHeaders
Type: object
A key-value map. Must contain a value for Oracle-Mobile-BACKEND-ID. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : MCS_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • formats
    List of Message Formats the Stream is associated with. At least one Format is required for MCS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
List of Message Formats the Stream is associated with. At least one Format is required for MCS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for OAUTH2 authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OSCS_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Additional stream options list. Only objectName is supported at this moment, which means name of object on OSCS cloud server side. Note that the value of object name should be within 30 characters.
  • formats
    The Message Format associated with the Stream. One and only one Format is required for an OSCS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Additional stream options list. Only objectName is supported at this moment, which means name of object on OSCS cloud server side. Note that the value of object name should be within 30 characters.
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format associated with the Stream. One and only one Format is required for an OSCS Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : mapping
Type: object
This Map stores the association between the fields of the message format or an annotation to that of an orchestration's field
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OIC_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Additional stream options list. Only resourceUri is currently supported.
  • formats
    The Message Format associated with the Stream. Only one Format is required for an OIC Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Additional stream options list. Only resourceUri is currently supported.
Show Source
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format associated with the Stream. Only one Format is required for an OIC Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : resourceUri
Type: object
A relative URL value of the form INTEGRATION_NAME/VERSION_STRING/RESOURCE_URL relative to config url
Nested Schema : authConfig
Type: object
Authentication information for outbound connections. username and password are the only credentials supported for BASIC authentication. NOTE: all the authConfig values should be base64 encoded.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Integration-level configuration. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : streams
Type: array
The list of Integration Streams. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : OAC_Integration_Stream
Type: object
Show Source
  • annotations
    List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
  • config
    Additional stream options list. Only tableName is supported at this moment, which means the table name on OAC cloud server side. Note that the table name value should be within 30 characters.
  • formats
    The Message Format the Stream is associated with. One and only one Format is required for a OAC Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Nested Schema : annotations
Type: object
List of Message Annotations for the Stream. Currently only source and apps types of annotations are supported. Source annotations specify the keys of endpoint metadata of the message source to be populated in the message before dispatching it to the target. Apps annotations specify application attributes to be added into the message being dispatched. Only id is supported at this moment, which means the message will be supplied with its (or the source's) application id.
Show Source
Nested Schema : config
Type: object
Additional stream options list. Only tableName is supported at this moment, which means the table name on OAC cloud server side. Note that the table name value should be within 30 characters.
Nested Schema : formats
Type: array
The Message Format the Stream is associated with. One and only one Format is required for a OAC Integration. The Formats must already exist in the Application Endpoint. This field is mandatory.
Show Source
Nested Schema : apps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : source
Type: array
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.

401 Response

Unauthorized. The request requires user authentication.

403 Response

Forbidden. The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
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The examples show you how to create a new integration of the following types:
  1. Enterprise

  2. Business Intelligence Cloud Service (BICS)

  3. JD Edwards Integration

  4. Mobile service Cloud Service (MCS)

  5. Oracle Sites Cloud Service (OSCS)

  6. Oracle Analytics Cloud Service (OACS)


In the request and response, iotserver will be replaced by name and port of your assigned Oracle IoT Cloud Service instance. The format of the Cloud Service instance is and the default port is 443

Example 1

The following example shows how to create a new Enterprise Integration instance under application 0-RYJQ by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' 
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
     -H 'Authorization:Basic aW90OndlbGNvbWUx'
	   -d @enterprise.json 
The format of enterprise.json should be as follows:
   "name":"Application Integration Name 1468526381878",

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body containing the endpoint Id 0-TMJQ for the newly created Enterprise Integration instance in JSON format.

   "name":"Application Integration Name 1468526381878",




Example 2

The following example shows how to create a new BICS Integration instance under application 0-RYJQ by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.
curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' 
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
     -H 'Authorization:Basic aW90OndlbGNvbWUx' 
     -d @bics.json

The format of the bics.json file should be as follows:
 "name":"BICS integration",
   "description":"Sample description of BICS integration",

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body containing the endpoint Id 0-UYJQ for the newly created BICS Integration instance in JSON format.

   "name":"BICS integration",
   "description":"Sample description of BICS integration",


Example 3

The following example shows how to create a new JDE Integration instance under application 0-RYJQ by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.
curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' 
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
-H 'Authorization:Basic aW90OndlbGNvbWUx'
 -d @jde.json  
The format of the jde.json file should be as follows:
   "description":"Sample description of JD Edwards integration",

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body containing the endpoint ID 0-U4JQ for the newly created JDE Integration instance in JSON format.
   "description":"Sample description of JD Edwards integration",


Example 4

The following example shows how to create a new MCS Integration instance under application 0-RYJQ by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.
curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization:Basic aW90OndlbGNvbWUx' -d @mcs.json  
The format of the mcs.json file should be as follows:
   "description":"Sample description of MCS integration",

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body containing the endpoint Id 0-U4JQ for the newly created MCS Integration instance in JSON format.
  "description":"Sample description of MCS integration",



Example 5

The following example shows how to create a new OSCS Integration instance under application 0-RYJQ by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.
curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization:Basic aW90OndlbGNvbWUx' -d @oscs.json  

The format of the oscs.json file should be as follows:
   "name":"SCS integration",
   "description":"Sample description of SCS integration",

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body containing the endpoint Id 0-VIJQ for the newly created OSCS Integration instance in JSON format.
   "name":"SCS integration",
   "description":"Sample description of SCS integration",


Example 6

The following example shows how to create a new OAC Integration instance under application 0-AC by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.
curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization:Basic aW90OndlbGNvbWUx' -d @oac.json  

The format of the oscs.json file should be as follows:
   "id": "C09C74FA-3015-4D02-B608-08E5D729E618",
    "type": "OACS",
    "name": "My OACS Integration",
    "description": "",
    "authType": "BASIC",
    "authConfig": {
        "username": "aW90OndlbGNvbWUx"
    "config": {
        "connectionName": "myOacConnection",
        "url": "",
        "identityDomain": "oacIdentityDomain"
    "storageEnabled": true,
    "streams": [{
        "formats": ["urn:com:oracle:iot:device:humidity_sensor:too_humid"],
        "config": {
            "tableName": "TableName1"
        "annotations": {
            "apps": [],
            "source": []
        "formatStatus": "relevant"
    "state": "ACTIVATED",
    "created": 1550261730145,
    "createdAsString": "2019-02-15T20:15:30.145Z",
    "links": [{
        "href": "https://iotserver/iot/api/v2/apps/0-AC/integrations/C09C74FA-3015-4D02-B608-08E5D729E618",
        "rel": "self"
    }, {
        "href": "https://iotserver/iot/api/v2/apps/0-AC/integrations/C09C74FA-3015-4D02-B608-08E5D729E618",
        "rel": "canonical"
    }, {
        "href": "https://iotserver/iot/api/v2/apps/0-AC/integrations/connectivityChecks",
        "rel": "connectivityChecks"
    }, {
        "href": "https://iotserver/iot/api/v2/apps/0-AC/integrations/count",
        "rel": "count"

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body containing the endpoint Id 0-AC for the newly created OACS Integration instance in JSON format.

   "name":"My OACS Integration",


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