Update a Device by ID



Update device details with provided partial or complete device definition, by given device ID


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : DeviceImpl_update
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successfully processed.
Body ()
Root Schema : DeviceImpl_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : childrenDevices
Type: object
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConnectivityStatus_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : deviceModels
Type: array
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : directlyConnectedOwner
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : location
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Logs_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : metadata
Type: object
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : resources
Type: object
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : DeviceModelModel_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : actions
Type: array
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : attributes
Type: array
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : formatObjects
Type: array
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : DeviceModelActionModel_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : arguments
Type: array
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : DeviceModelActionArgumentModel_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DeviceModelAttributeModel_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : MessageFormatModel_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : MessageFormatValue_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : fields
Type: array
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : MessageFormatField_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : LogBuffer_receive
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.

401 Response

Unauthorized. The request requires user authentication.

403 Response

Forbidden. The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.

404 Response

Not Found. The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

405 Response

Method Not Allowed. The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI.

406 Response

Request Not Acceptable. The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.

415 Response

Unsupported Media Type. The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does not support.
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curl -X POST 
   -u <username>:<password>
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
   --header "X-HTTP-Method-Override: PATCH"

Example of Request Body

The following example shows the content of the request body in JSON format

"serialNumber":"A string (which should be unique across all devices of this modelNumber/manufacturer) uniquely identifying the specific device.",
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"softwareRevision":"A string representing the software revision.",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"manufacturer":"A string, generally an Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), that describes the manufacturer of the device.",
"hardwareRevision":"A string representing the hardware revision.",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"latLonString":"Property description was not set",
"geoLocationString":"Property description was not set",
"modelNumber":"A string representing the specific model of the device.",
"softwareVersion":"A string representing the software version."

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the content of the response body in JSON format

"name":"Message format name",
"description":"Message format description",
"deviceModel":"Device model that created this message format",
"name":"Name of the message format field",
"description":"Optional description of the device model",
"userLastModified":"Name of the user who last to modify this device model",
"name":"Human friendly name of the device model",
"name":"A name for the attribute",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"name":"A name for the action",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"string":"Raw dependency string from the artifact manifect",
"name":"The name of the artifact. This name does not have to be unique within the system. For example, a name of 'com.mycompany.device.adapter' might be present for multiple versions. But it is constant during the artifact lifecycle.",
"version":"The version of the artifact, using the Java version string format: major.minor.micro is recommended. The name/version pair uniquely identifies an artifact. Like the name, it is also not changed during the lifecycle.",
"string":"Raw dependency string from the artifact manifect",
"errorCode":"String with error code for current request",
"errorDetails":"String with error details for current request"
"appVersion":"Application version",
"name":"Message format name",
"description":"Message format description",
"deviceModel":"Device model that created this message format",
"name":"Name of the message format field",
"description":"Optional description of the device model",
"userLastModified":"Name of the user who last to modify this device model",
"name":"Human friendly name of the device model",
"name":"A name for the attribute",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"name":"A name for the action",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"name":"Message format name",
"description":"Message format description",
"deviceModel":"Device model that created this message format",
"name":"Name of the message format field",
"description":"Optional description of the device model",
"userLastModified":"Name of the user who last to modify this device model",
"name":"Human friendly name of the device model",
"name":"A name for the attribute",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"name":"A name for the action",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"softwareRevision":"A string representing the software revision.",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"manufacturer":"A string, generally an Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), that describes the manufacturer of the device.",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"serialNumber":"A string (which should be unique across all devices of this modelNumber/manufacturer) uniquely identifying the specific device.",
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"hardwareRevision":"A string representing the hardware revision.",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"modelNumber":"A string representing the specific model of the device.",
"softwareVersion":"A string representing the software version."
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"appName":"Application name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"softwareRevision":"A string representing the software revision.",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"manufacturer":"A string, generally an Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), that describes the manufacturer of the device.",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"serialNumber":"A string (which should be unique across all devices of this modelNumber/manufacturer) uniquely identifying the specific device.",
"name":"Message format name",
"description":"Message format description",
"deviceModel":"Device model that created this message format",
"name":"Name of the message format field",
"description":"Optional description of the device model",
"userLastModified":"Name of the user who last to modify this device model",
"name":"Human friendly name of the device model",
"name":"A name for the attribute",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"name":"A name for the action",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"string":"Raw dependency string from the artifact manifect",
"name":"The name of the artifact. This name does not have to be unique within the system. For example, a name of 'com.mycompany.device.adapter' might be present for multiple versions. But it is constant during the artifact lifecycle.",
"version":"The version of the artifact, using the Java version string format: major.minor.micro is recommended. The name/version pair uniquely identifies an artifact. Like the name, it is also not changed during the lifecycle.",
"string":"Raw dependency string from the artifact manifect",
"errorCode":"String with error code for current request",
"errorDetails":"String with error details for current request"
"appVersion":"Application version",
"name":"Message format name",
"description":"Message format description",
"deviceModel":"Device model that created this message format",
"name":"Name of the message format field",
"description":"Optional description of the device model",
"userLastModified":"Name of the user who last to modify this device model",
"name":"Human friendly name of the device model",
"name":"A name for the attribute",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"name":"A name for the action",
"description":"A human friendly description",
"alias":"Optional alternative name",
"range":"For NUMBERs and INTEGERs only, defines the acceptable range of values such as '1,10'. This range is inclusive.",
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"appName":"Application name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"softwareRevision":"A string representing the software revision.",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"manufacturer":"A string, generally an Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), that describes the manufacturer of the device.",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"description":"Endpoint description",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"sharedSecret":"Endpoint Shared Secret",
"serialNumber":"A string (which should be unique across all devices of this modelNumber/manufacturer) uniquely identifying the specific device.",
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"hardwareRevision":"A string representing the hardware revision.",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"modelNumber":"A string representing the specific model of the device.",
"softwareVersion":"A string representing the software version."
"partnerName":"Partner name",
"description":"Human friendly description of the resource",
"hardwareRevision":"A string representing the hardware revision.",
"name":"Endpoint name",
"modelNumber":"A string representing the specific model of the device.",
"softwareVersion":"A string representing the software version."

Complete cURL Example

The following example shows compete cURL comand that can be used to perform described operation

curl -X POST 
   -u <username>:<password>
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
   --header "X-HTTP-Method-Override: PATCH"
   -d '{"metadata":{"metadata_key1":"metadata_value1","metadata_key2":"metadata_value2","metadata_key3":"metadata_value3"},"serialNumber":"A string (which should be unique across all devices of this modelNumber/manufacturer) uniquely identifying the specific device.","partnerName":"Partner name","activationTimeAsString":"2016-07-22T10:44:57.746Z","softwareRevision":"A string representing the software revision.","description":"Endpoint description","enabled":false,"manufacturer":"A string, generally an Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), that describes the manufacturer of the device.","hardwareId":"2757443c3fd0-7465","hardwareRevision":"A string representing the hardware revision.","name":"Endpoint name","location":{"altitude":12.34,"latLonString":"Property description was not set","origin":"ASSIGNED","latitude":12.34,"geoLocationString":"Property description was not set","uncertainty":12.34,"empty":false,"longitude":12.34},"modelNumber":"A string representing the specific model of the device.","directlyConnectedOwnerId":"21b764f3136f-8b6","state":"REGISTERED","softwareVersion":"A string representing the software version."}'

Note that in the request, http://iotserver will be replaced by the name and port of your assigned IoT Cloud Service instance. The format of the Cloud Service instance is https:// myinstance-myidentitydomain.iot.us.oraclecloud.com and the default port is 443.
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