Oracle by Example brandingCreating a WebLogic Administrator in Oracle Java Cloud Service with Oracle Identity Cloud Service

section 0Before You Begin

This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to create a WebLogic Server administrator when you use Oracle Identity Cloud Service with Oracle Java Cloud Service.


When you create an Java Cloud Service instance and enable authentication with Oracle Identity Cloud Service, your Oracle Cloud user name is assigned to the Administrators role in your domain’s security application in Identity Cloud Service. You can modify this security application in Identity Cloud Service and assign other users to the WebLogic Server administration roles for your service instance.

What Do You Need?

section 1Create a User

  1. Sign in to Oracle Cloud as an Identity Domain Administrator.
  2. From the top of the My Services Dashboard, click Users.
  3. From the top of the User Management page, click Identity Console.
  4. From the Users page of the Identity Cloud Service console, click Add.
    Add user
    Description of the illustration add_user.png
  5. Configure the new user:
    • First Name: Enter a first name. This tutorial uses the name WebLogic.
    • Last Name: Enter a last name. This tutorial uses the name Admin.
    • User Name / Email: Enter an email address that is not already in use in this account.
    • Use the email address as the user name: Yes
  6. Click Next, and then click Finish.
  7. Verify that the specified email address received an Oracle Cloud welcome message. Click the link in this message and, when prompted, enter a password for the new user.
  8. Click the user name or icon at the top right corner of the page, and then select Sign Out.
    Sign Out
    Description of the illustration sign_out.png

section 2Assign the WebLogic Server Administrator Role

  1. Go to Oracle Cloud and sign in as the Java Administrator that created your JCS instance (MyJCS).
  2. From My Services Dashboard, click Action Menu Menu Icon for Java cloud service and select Open Service Console.
  3. In the Java Cloud Service console, click the name of your service instance (MyJCS). The Details page displays.
  4. Click the IDCS Application link (MyJCS). The Application Details page displays.
    IDCS Application link
    Description of the illustration idcs_app.png
  5. Click Application Roles.
  6. Application Roles
    Description of the illustration app_roles.png
  7. To the right of the Administrators role, click Menu for Administrators Menu Icon, and then select Assign Users.

    Tip: Members of the Administrators role can perform all WebLogic administrative activities. Other roles are available like Deployers and Operators, which limit these activities.

  8. Select the check box for your new user, WebLogic Admin.

    Tip: If your account has many users, you can type this name into the search field.

  9. Click Assign. This user is now a WebLogic Server Administrator for this service instance.

section 3Test the WebLogic Administrator

  1. Return to the Java Cloud Service console.
  2. Click the name of your service instance (MyJCS). The Details page displays.
  3. Click Manage this instance Menu icon, and then select Open WebLogic Server Administration Console.
    Open WebLogic Server Console
    Description of the illustration open_weblogic_console.png
  4. Log into the WebLogic Server console as your new administrator.

next stepNext Tutorial

Securing an Oracle Java Cloud Service Application with Oracle Identity Cloud Service

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