4 psm accs Commands

This chapter describes Oracle Application Container Cloud Service commands in the command-line interface.

Category Commands
Application Information

psm accs activities – Lists activities of an application.

psm accs app – Lists details about an application.

psm accs apps – Lists all applications.

psm accs check-health – Lists memory usage of an application.

psm accs available-updates – Lists all available updates

Application Resources

psm accs delete – Deletes an application.

psm accs push – Creates or updates an application.

psm accs scale – Scales the instance count or memory limit of an application.

psm accs update – Updates the runtime of an application.

psm accs rollback – Rollbacks an update applied on an application.

psm accs applied-updates – Lists the history of updates or rollbacks done on an application.

Application Actions

psm accs restart – Restarts an application.

psm accs start – Starts an application.

psm accs stop – Stops an application.


psm accs get-logs – Requests log details for an application instance.

psm accs log – Displays log details for an application instance.

psm accs logs – Displays log details for all instances of an application.


psm accs get-recordings – Requests recording details for an application instance.

psm accs recording – Displays recording details for an application instance.

psm accs recordings – Displays recording details for all instances of an application.


psm accs operation-status – Displays the status of the operation with the specified job ID.