psm caching create-service

This command creates a new Oracle Application Container Cloud Service application cache.


psm caching create-service 
-c|--config-payload payload-file 
[-of|--output-format json|html|short]


All parameters are required unless otherwise noted.

Parameter Description
-c, --config-payload Name of the JSON file that contains configuration information for the new application cache.

-of|--output-format json|html|short

(Optional) Specifies the output format of the command’s response:

  • json—output is formatted as a JSON array.

  • html—output is formatted as HTML

  • short—output is formatted as a brief summary.

The default output format is the one you specified when using the psm setup command to configure the psm CLI.

Payload File Properties

All properties are required unless otherwise noted.

Parameter Description
size Data capacity to be allocated for the cache in gigabytes. Enter an integer without units.
deploymentType (Optional) Deployment type:
  • Basic — Only one container is created for the cache service.

  • Recommended — Three or more containers are created for the cache service.

serviceName Name of the cache.
serviceDescription (Optional) Text description of the cache.
serviceLevel The only supported value is PAAS.
meteringFrequency (Optional) The only supported value is MONTHLY.
serviceVersion The only supported value is 1.0.
edition The only supported value is GE.
vmUser Name of the user creating the cache.


The contents of the create-payload.json file referenced in the command are:

    "serviceDescription":"Example Cache Service",

The example command and its output are:

$ psm caching create-service -c create-payload.json
        "message":"Submitted job to create service [MyCacheService] in domain [apaasuser]."
Job ID : 23770

More Information

Creating a Cache Service in Using Caches in Oracle Application Container Cloud Service