psm dbcs precheck-patch

Perform a precheck on an Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service instance to identify potential issues that might prevent a specified patch from being applied successfully.


In the following syntax, line breaks have been added for clarity. Do not include them when entering the command.

psm dbcs precheck-patch
  -s|--service-name instance-name
  -p|--patch-id patch-id
  [-of|--output-format json|html|short]


This command performs a precheck to identify potential issues that might prevent the specified patch from being applied successfully without actually patching the service instance. Specifically, the patching precheck reports on the following conditions:

  • Disk space shortage

  • Database connectivity failure

  • Server access failure

  • Storage access failure

Prechecking does not check whether another administration task (backup, restoration, or scaling) is in progress, which would prevent patching.


Parameter Description

-s|--service-name instance-name

Specifies the name of the Database Classic Cloud Service instance on which you want to precheck the patch.

-p|--patch—id patch-id

Specifies the patch ID of the patch to precheck. To retrieve a list of patch IDs available to apply a service instance, see psm dbcs available-patches.

-of|--output-format json|html|short

(Optional) Specifies the output format of the command’s response:

  • json—output is formatted as a JSON array.

  • html—output is formatted as HTML

  • short—output is formatted as a brief summary.

The default output format is the one you specified when using the psm setup command to configure the psm CLI.


The following example shows a precheck of patch 22291127-EE on the db12c-xp-si Database Classic Cloud Service instance.

$ psm dbcs precheck-patch --service-name db12c-xp-si --patch-id 22291127-EE
        "message":"PATCHING-5227: Pre-Checking service for patch [22291127-EE] is submitted as an asynchronous job.",
Job ID : 5859919

Here is the information about job 5859919 upon successful completion of the operation:

$ psm dbcs operation-status --job-id 5859919
            "message":"Phase initialize completed"
            "message":"Patching job [5859919] initiated by [dbaasadmin] started.."
            "message":"Phase pre-check completed"