psm dhcs disable-access-rule

Disable an access rule of an Oracle Data Hub Cloud Service cluster.


In the following syntax, line breaks have been added for clarity. Do not include them when entering the command.

psm dhcs disable-access-rule -s|--service-name cluster-name
	-r|--rule-name rule-name
	[-of|--output-format short|json|html]
	[-wc|--wait-until-complete true|false]


Parameter Description

-s|--service-name cluster-name

Specifies the name of the Oracle Data Hub Cloud Service cluster.

-r|--rule-name rule-name

Specifies the name of the access rule to disable.

-of|--output-format short|json|html

(Optional) Specifies the output format of the command’s response:

  • short— output is formatted as a brief summary.

  • json— output is formatted as a JSON array.

  • html— output is formatted as HTML

The default output format is the one you specified when using the psm setup command to configure the psm CLI.

–wc|--wait-until-complete true|false

(Optional) If set to true, the command behaves synchronously. That is, it does not return until the submitted job is complete. The following message is displayed until the job is complete:

Waiting for the job to complete... (it cannot be cancelled)

The default value is false.


The following example disables the access rule ora_p2cass_ssh of the cluster1 cluster.

$ psm dhcs disable-access-rule --service-name cluster1 --rule-name ora_p2cass_ssh
    "description":"VM SSH port",