psm jcs add-ssh-public-key

Use this command to add a new SSH public key.


In the following syntax, line breaks have been added for clarity. Do not include them when entering the command.

psm jcs add-ssh-public-key -s|--service-name serviceName
  -c|--credential-name credentialName
  -k|--public-key publicKeyName
    [-of|--output-format html|json|short]
    [wc|--wait-until-complete true|false]


All parameters are required unless otherwise noted.

Parameter Description
-s|--service-name serviceName Name of the Oracle Java Cloud Service instance.
-c|--credential-name credentialName Credential name to add the SSH public key to. Valid values include ['vmspublickey'].
-k|--public-key publicKeyValue The value of the SSH public key.
-of|--output-format html|json|short (Optional) Desired output format.

Accepted values: json, html, short

The default output format is the one you specified when using the psm setup command to configure the psm CLI.

-wc|--wait-until-complete true|false

(Optional) A boolean value that, when set to true, makes the command behave synchronously; that is, it does not return until the submitted job is complete. The following message is displayed until the job is complete:
Waiting for the job to complete... (it cannot be cancelled)
Default: false


$ psm jcs add-ssh-public-key -s ExampleInstance -k \"SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_TEXT\"