This image shows the Install Application Assistant page. There are four buttons at the top and bottom of this dialog: Back (inactive), Next (active), Finish (inactive), and Cancel (active). Below the buttons is the heading "Locate deployment and install and prepare for deployment". In that section, there is a panel containing the following information: Path: /u01/data/domains/wls003jc_domain/servers/wls003jc_adminserver/upload Recently Used Paths: /u01/data/domains/wls003jc_domain/servers/wls003jc_adminsesrver/upload Current Location: (blurred IP address)/u01/data/domains/wls003jc_domain/servers/wls003jc_adminserver/upload Next is a selected radio button and the name of the application benefits.war. Both are highlighted. In the bottom row of buttons, the Next button is highlighted and the pointer points to it.