Oracle by Example brandingCreating an Oracle Java Cloud Service Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

section 0Before You Begin

This 10-minute tutorial shows you how to create an Oracle Java Cloud Service instance in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region.

October 2019, Release 19.3.3


When you create an Oracle Java Cloud Service instance in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region, you can attach the instance to either a private subnet or a public subnet.

Use this tutorial to create a single-node Oracle Java Cloud Service instance in a public subnet.

To create a multi-node instance with a load balancer and a Coherence cluster in a public subnet, follow the instructions in Create an Oracle Java Cloud Service Instance Attached to a Public Subnet on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in Administering Oracle Java Cloud Service.

For information about creating an instance in a private subnet, see Create an Oracle Java Cloud Service Instance Attached to a Private Subnet on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

What Do You Need?

section 1Start the Instance-Creation Wizard

  1. Sign in to Oracle Cloud at
  2. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click the Navigation menu Dashboard Menu Icon at the top left corner of the page, expand Platform Services, and then select Java.

    Note: On some older Oracle Cloud accounts, you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic Console. Click the Navigation menu Dashboard Menu Icon, and then select Java.

    If this is the first time that you're accessing the web console of Oracle Java Cloud Service, the Welcome page is displayed. You can continue to the web console by clicking Go to Console.

  3. Click Create Instance.

    The Create Instance wizard starts.

section 2Configure Basic Information

On the Instance page of the wizard, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Instance Name field, enter a unique name for your Oracle Java Cloud Service instance.
  2. Enter your email address in the Notification Email field.

    After the instance is created, you'll receive a notification at the email address that you enter here.

  3. In the Region field, select an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region: us-phoenix-1, us-ashburn-1, ca-toronto-1, eu-frankfurt-1, or uk-london-1. The field shows only the regions that are in the default region of your account.

    The database instance that you intend to associate with your Oracle Java Cloud Service instance must be in the region that you select in this field.

  4. In the Availability Domain field, select an availability domain.
  5. In the Subnet field, select the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure subnet to which the nodes of your instance must be attached.

    The subnet that you select for your Oracle Java Cloud Service instance and the subnet of the database instance that you intend to associate must be in the same virtual cloud network (VCN). If the database instance that you want to associate is in a different VCN, then you must configure VCN peering in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to be able to use that database instance.

    • To have the subnet assigned automatically, select No Preference. The subnet ManagedCompartmentForPaaS | svc-vcn | svc-subnet-... is used for your instance.

      Note: Don't select No Preference if you plan to associate an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database with your service instance. If you want to configure security rules for your instance, then don’t select No Preference or ManagedCompartmentForPaaS | svc-vcn | svc-subnet-.... Select a subnet in a VCN that you created.

    • To assign a subnet explicitly, select a suitable subnet from the available options.
  6. If you want to assign any tags to your instance, then select them in the Tags field.
  7. In the License Type field, choose whether you want to use Oracle middleware licenses that you own.
  8. Select the required Service Level, Software Release, and Software Edition.
  9. Click Next.

section 3Configure Service Details

On the Details page of the wizard, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Advanced tab.
  2. In the WebLogic Configuration section, select the Enable Access to Administration Consoles check box.
    Leave the other fields at the default values.
  3. In the WebLogic Access section, click Edit next to the SSH Public Key field.
  4. Select Create a New Key and then click Enter.
  5. (Important) In the Download Keys dialog box, click Download and save the file to your local machine.

    Note: The option to download the SSH keys won't be available again. You'll need the private key to SSH to the compute nodes of the Java Cloud Service instance. So don't skip this step.

  6. Click Done.
  7. Enter the WebLogic administration credentials in the Local Administrative User Name and Password fields, and then re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.
  8. In the Database Configuration section, select a database type.
    • If you selected Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing, then select the compartment that contains your Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing instance, select the instance name, and enter the administrator password.
    • If you selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database, then select the compartment that contains your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database instance, select the instance name, enter the PDB name, and enter the administrator credentials.
    • If you selected Oracle Database Cloud Service (Classic), select the instance name, enter the PDB name, and enter the administrator credentials.
  9. Set Backup Destination to Both Remote and Disk Storage.
  10. In the Object Storage Container field, enter the URL of the object-storage bucket that you created in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    Format: https://swiftobjectstorage.{region}{namespace}/{bucket}


  11. In the User Name field, enter the user name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure user who created the bucket or has permission to access it.
  12. In the Password field, enter the authentication token (generated in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) for the user you specified.

    The following screenshot shows the settings you've selected so far on the Details page of the wizard, with the key fields highlighted. In the example, the database selected is an instance of Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing.

    Screenshot of the second page of the create-instance wizard
    Description of the illustration create-instance-2.png
  13. Click Next.

section 4Complete the Instance Creation

  1. On the Confirm page of the wizard, review your selections, and click Create.

    In the Oracle Java Cloud Service console, the new instance is displayed, with the status Creating Service.

  2. Refresh the page periodically, until the instance is created. After the instance is created, you'll receive a notification at the email address that you specified earlier.
  3. To view details of the instance, click the instance name.

Your Oracle Java Cloud Service instance is now ready for you to deploy enterprise applications.

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