This illustration shows the Install Application Assistant. There are four buttons: Back (active), Next (inactive), Finish (inactive), and Cancel (active). The following text is displayed: "Upload a deployment to the Administration Server" "Click the Browse button below to select an application or module on the machine from which you are currently browsing. When you have located the file, click the Next button to upload the deployment to the Administration Server. Next to the text "Deployment Archive" is a Browse button with the text "No file selected." The Browse button is highlighted and the hand icon points to it. The following text is displayed: "Upload a deployment plan (this step is optional)" "A deployment plan is a configuration which can supplement the descriptors included in the deployment archive. A deployment will work without a deployment plan, but you can also upload a deployment plan archive now. This deployment plan archive will be a directory of configuration information packaged as a .jar file. See related links for additional information about deployment plans." Next to the text "Deployment Plan Archive" is a Browse button with the text "No file selected." There are four buttons: Back (active), Next (active), Finish (inactive), and Cancel (active).