This illustration shows the Install Application Assistant dialog. There are four buttons at the top and bottom of the dialog: Back (active), Next (active), Finish (inactive), and Cancel (active). The Next button is highlighted and the pointer is pointing to it. In the Choose targeting style section, the following text is displayed: "Targets are servers, clusters, and virtual hosts on which the deployment will run. There are several ways you can target an application." There is a radio button (selected) next to the following text: "Install this deployment as an application." The following text is displayed: The application and its components will be targeted to the same location. This is the most common usage." There is a radio button (deselected) next to the following text: "Install this deployment as a library." The following text is displayed: "Application libraries are deployments that are available for other deployments to share. Libraries should be available on all of the targets running their referencing applications."