This image shows the Install Application Assistant dialog. There are four buttons at the top and bottom of this dialog: Back (inactive), Next (active), Finish (inactive), and Cancel (active). In the "Locate deployment and install and prepare for deployment" section, the following text is displayed: "Select the file path that represents the application root directory, archive file, exploded archive directory, or application module descriptino that you want to install. You can also enter the path of the application directory or file in the Path field." "Note: Only valid paths are displayed below. If you cannot find your deployment files, upload your file(s) and/or confirm that your application contains the required deployment descriptors." The text "upload your file(s)" is highlighted. The next section contains the following information: Path: /u01/data/domains/wls003jc_domain/servers/wls003jc_adminserver/upload Recently Used Paths: /u01/data/domains/wls003jc_domain/servers/wls003jc_adminsesrver/upload Current Location: (blurred IP address)/u01/data/domains/wls003jc_domain/servers/wls003jc_adminserver/upload Beneath this information the name of the application benefits.war is displayed next to a radio button. This information is highlighted. In the row of buttons beneath, Next is highlighted and the pointer points to it.