This illustration shows a large portion of the Oracle WebLogic Server Console. The banner at the top of the screen is "Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console 12c." The Change Center section on the left shows the following text: "View changes and restarts" and "Click the Lock & Edit button to modify, add, or delete items in this domain." There are two buttons in the Change Center: Lock & Edit (active) and Release Configuration (grayed-out). The Domain Structure section shows the domain tree. Selections are Environment, Deployments, Services, Security Realms, Interoperability, and Diagnostics. Along the top right of the screen, there are the following links: Home, Log Out, Preferences, Record (grayed-out) and Help. There is a search box. There is also the text "Welcome, weblogic" and "Connected to wls003jc_domain." There is a "Home" link above the Home Page panel. In the Home Page panel, there are two sections: Information and Resources and Domain Configurations. Under Information and Resources, there are two bulleted lists: Helpful Tools and General Information. The Helpful Tools list has the following items: Configure applications, Configure GridLink for RAC Data Source, Recent Task Status, Set your console preferences, and Oracle Enterprise Manager. The General Information list includes the following items: Common Administration Task Descriptions, Read the documentation, Ask a question on My Oracle Support. In the Domain Configurations section are three bulleted lists: Domain, Services, and Interoperability. On the Domain list is one item: Domain. On the Services list are three items: Messaging, JMS Servers, and Store-and-Forward Agents. The Interoperability list contains two items: WTC Servers and Jolt Connection Pools. Additional information on the console is not shown in this illustration.