This image shows the entire JCS-SaaS EXtension Adminstration Console. At the top of the image is an Oracle logo followed by the service name. Across from that is a portion of the user’s email address (“”) and a drop-down control. Beneath this servic ebanner is the main body of the page. Down one side is a navigation list of all pages in the service. Next to that is the home page detail.

The Home page detail contains a JCS-SaaS Extension logo. Next to the logo is service identity information, which includes:
  • Service instance name

  • Identity domain

  • Service state

  • Service side

  • A list of associations

Across from this information is a refresh, which is a rectangular button containing two arrows forming a circle, and a button labeled Restart Service Instance.

Beneath this section are three horizontally-arrayed headings.

At the very bottom of the image are links ot standard corporate legal content (About Oracle, Contact Us, Legal Notices, Terms of Use, and Your Privacy Roghts). Beneath that is the product copyright.