Description of the illustration oauth_page_01.gif

This image shows a portion of the OAuth Administration tab of the Oracle cloud My Services Users page. At the top of the image is the label "Oauth" and under that is text describing what you can do on this page.

Beneath this banner material is the Register Resources section, which lists the register SaaS application resource instances. At the top of this section is the label "Register Resources" and two buttons, labeled Register and import.

Beneath the resource section is the Register client section, which lists the registerd client instances. At the top of this section is the label "Register Client" and two buttons, labeled Register and import.

Beneath this line is a search box labeled "Find Resource". Beneath the search box are line items for resources. Each line is preceded by a resource icon. Next to that is the resource name and below that a resource description. Next to those items is a column that lists the resource details. These details are "ID" (for security purposes, blurred in this example), "Type", "Application", and "API Path" (for security purposes, blurred in this example). Next to this column is a menu icon, which, in this example, is inactive. There are two of these line items in this example.

Beneath this line is a search box labeled "Find Client" and a button labeled / Beneath the search box are line items for the registered client. Each line is preceded by a client icon. zNext to that is the resource name and below that a resource description. Next to those items is a column that lists the resource details. These details are "ID" (for security purposes, blurred in this example), "Type", and the "Last Modified Date". Next to this is a button labeled "Show secret". Next to this button is a menu icon, which, in this example, is active. There are two of these line items in this example.