This image shows Libraries page. At the top of the page is the page title, “Libraries”. Below that are six controls. First is a button labeled “+Deploy New”; next to that is a disabled button labeled “Redeploy”, followed by another disabled button labeled “Delete”. Next is a live button labeled “Download”. Next to that is the page refresh icon, which is a rectangular button containing two arrows forming a circle, and finally a text entry box containing the words “Filter Content” and a magnifying glass.

Beneath the page header section contains a list of libraries deployed on the service. This image shows a list of seven libraries, arrayed top-to-bottom. For each library, information on the list includes its name, its type, its status, the Specification Version the library is based on, the Implementation Version the library is based on , an Active Sessions Count, the Request Processing Time, and the library’s Read/Write status. Across the bottom of the table is a horizontal scroll bar.