Oracle® Cloud

Known Issues for Oracle Managed File Transfer Cloud Service


September 2017

Known Issues for Oracle Managed File Transfer Cloud Service

Learn about the issues you may encounter when using Oracle Managed File Transfer Cloud Service and how to work around them.

Supported Browsers

Oracle Managed File Transfer Cloud Service supports the following the minimum requirements for web browsers:

Web Browser Version
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and later
Google Chrome 29 and later
Mozilla Firefox 24 and later
Apple Safari 7 and later

Unable to Connect with Oracle Managed File Transfer Cloud Service from JDeveloper

If you encounter a connection timeout error when you attempt to connect with Managed File Transfer Cloud Service from Oracle JDeveloper, use the following steps as a workaround:

  1. Add the Managed File Transfer (MFT) adapter to JDeveloper.

  2. Select Reference Option and then click Next.

  3. Select the Define from existing concrete WSDL option.

  4. Enter the WSDL URL of the MFT SOA source to be invoked and then click Next.

    Specify the WSDL URL in the following format:


    For example:
  5. In the reference configuration page, you should see a source endpoint URL. Select Next until the reference is added to the composite.

Release 17.1.3 Changes for Supported Software Images, Multinode Clustering Support, and Service Types

Release 17.1.3 provides the following changes:

  • 12c ( replaces 12c (12.2.1) as a selectable software image in the provisioning wizard.

  • Multinode clustering support is available with the 12c ( service types. However, only the multinode version of the MFT Cluster service type is supported in production mode.

  • The service types available for selection in the provisioning wizard have changed.

Specific details are provided in What's New for Oracle Managed File Transfer Service.

DBFS Directories Not Mounted Correctly


This issue has been fixed for instances provisioned using release 16.4.1. It only applies to instances provisioned with release 16.3.3.

In release 16.3.3 directories are not properly mounted. For example, files that appear in Managed Server–1 under the /DOMAIN_HOME/mft/storage folder do not appear at same path on Managed Server–2 and vice-versa. To work around this, you have to run a shell script named on the Administration Server and the Managed Servers in the cluster. The following steps describe how to download the script, upload it to the servers and run it:

  1. Download the script.

    1. Visit

    2. Sign in.


      If you are using a trial subscription and do not have a support account, contact your account team for instructions.
    3. Search for patch number 2170448.1.

    4. The following information is returned.

      DBFS Mount issue on the SOA Cloud Multi Node environment (Doc ID 2170448.1)
    5. Click the link to download the script.

  2. Use the WebLogic Server console to stop all Managed Servers.

  3. Upload and run the script on the Administration Server. Note that you can find your server IP addresses in the service console. You can reference Access a Node with a Secure Shell (SSH) in Administering Oracle Java Cloud Service for more information.

    1. scp -i mftcs_rsa

    2. ssh -i mftcs_rsa  opc@admin_server_ip_address

      Note that mftcs_rsa is the name of the file from which the key is read.

    3. ls -l

    4. cp /tmp/

    5. chmod 777 /tmp/

    6. sudo su - oracle

    7. cd /tmp

    8. sh

  4. Now upload and run the script on all the Managed Servers in the cluster. Note that you must connect with the Managed Server from the Administration Server. Repeat these steps on each Managed Server. You can reference Access a Node with a Secure Shell (SSH) in Administering Oracle Java Cloud Service for more information.

    1. ssh -i mftcs_rsa opc@admin_server_ip_address

    2. scp -i mftcs_rsa opc@managed_server_ip_address

    3. ls -l

    4. cp /tmp/

    5. chmod 777 /tmp/

    6. sudo su - oracle

    7. cd /tmp

    8. sh

  5. After you have run the script on all of the Managed Servers, restart the servers in the cluster from the WebLogic Server console.


Because of a security policy migration race condition in the WebLogic server, MFT 12.1.3 server initialization might fail with the following ClassNotFoundException:

slc06uub_server_2 with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.tip.mft.j2ee.ejb.MFTTransportUtility

If you encounter this error, restart the Managed Servers or the server that is failing. Note that there may still be exceptions in log, but they are harmless.

Oracle Cloud Known Issues for Oracle Managed File Transfer Cloud Service


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This document describes new features and other notable changes for Oracle API Manager Cloud Service.

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