Get the details of the resultant instances of an event



Retrieves details about the instances created by an event. Requires submitting an eventSessionId as a path parameter. Submit with query parameter inDetail=true for response to contain complete details of the resultant instances; submit without query parameter for response to contain minimal details.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters


Supported Media Types

200 Response

Event details.
Body ()
Root Schema : eventDetails
Type: object
Title: eventDetails
Show Source
Nested Schema : instances
Type: array
Title: instances
Information about the instances.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Title: items
Show Source
Nested Schema : details
Type: object
Title: details
Details of the instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : status
Type: object
Title: status
String values depicting status of the instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : targets
Type: array
Title: targets
Target associated with the transfer.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Title: items
Show Source

500 Response

Error information.
Body ()
Root Schema : error
Type: object
Title: error
Show Source


Example of Response Body: 200 Response: Minimal Instance Details of an Event

The following example shows the contents of the response body for a successful request in JSON format when the inDetail=false query parameter is submitted:

	"eventSessionId": "ss212020-2139021-122",
	"totalInstances": 1,
	"sourceName": "src1",
	"sourceType": "SFTP",
	"endpointReference": "srrha1",
	"submittedBy": "user1",
	"instances": [
			"filename": "file1",
			"status": [
					"status": "COMPLETED",
					"subStatus": "SUCCESSFUL"

Example of Response Body: 200 Response: Complete Instance Details of an Event

The following example shows the contents of the response body for a successful request in JSON format when the inDetail=true query parameter is submitted:

	  "eventSessionId": "ss212020-2139021-122",
	  "totalInstances": 1,
	  "sourceName": "src1",
	  "sourceType": "SFTP",
	  "endpointReference": "srrha1",
	  "submittedBy": "user1",
	  "instances": [
			  "filename": "file1",
			  "status": [
					  "status": "COMPLETED",
					  "subStatus": "SUCCESSFUL"
			  "details": [
					  "statusDetail": "Successful 1,Errored 0,InPogress 0",
					  "bytesReceived": "28",
					  "receivedTime": "2014-09-30 20:26:36.855",
					  "sourceURL": "http://host:port/mftconsole/faces/report?type=source=0000KZ742Fr1VcHpMs5Eie1KAg5t00000U",
					  "priority": "MEDIUM",
					  "targets": [
							  "targetName": "file_tgt2",
							  "status": "COMPLETED",
							  "deliveredFileName": "test1.txt",
							  "bytesTransferred": "28",
							  "completionTime": "2014-09-30 20:26:38.414"

Example - Example of Response Body: 500 Response

The following example shows the contents of the response body for an unsuccessful request in JSON format:

  "errorMessage":"Error in processing EventService request. No Event found with provided Event Session Id {id}."     