View Detailed Information about a Server Request Instance

If you have deployed APM Java Agent, you can view detailed information about a Server Request Instance.

Viewing Detailed Information about a Server Request Instance

You can view detailed information of a server request instance to get an insight into performance of major operations. You can view information like usage of CPU and Heap resources, memory allocation and thread stack that will help you analyze a server request instance. To view detailed information of a server request instance:

  1. In the Server Request Instance list page, view the summary for an instance. You can view details like CPU usage, memory allocation and the total number of snapshots taken.

  2. Click the Instance that needs attention.

    The Instance details page is displayed.

  3. In the Call Tree tab, click Snapshot of a server request instance to view a snapshot of the instance.

    • The Snapshot pane indicates when the first snapshot was taken, frequency of the snapshot, and the total number of snapshots.

    • Details about the instance like memory allocation, CPU usage, Block Time and garbage collection overhead are also displayed.

    Scroll through the pane to view other details. This pane displays all the stacks for the specific operation, aggregated as a tree.
  4. Click the Snapshots Timeline tab to view a chart of the snapshots across time. Click an item on the chart to view the stack information window. Each snapshot is represented by a circle on the chart. The status of the snapshot is depicted by the color of the circle.

Viewing Error Details for a Server Request Instance

If a Server Request Instance is indicating failure, you can view the details of the error in the Error Details pane. To view details of an error in a server request instance:

  1. In the Server Request Instance list page, look for instances with status as Failure, indicated by a red X in the Status column, Failure icon.
  2. Optionally, click the Server Request Instance with the error to view the Server Request Instance details page.
  3. The Failure icon displays an additional badge for Error Context, Failure icon with Error Context badge. Click to view details of the error in the Error Details pane.
    The Error Details pane displays error messages, codes and error stack.


Detailed information for a server request instance and the Error Details pane are available only if you have deployed the APM Java Agent or the APM .Net Agent, and is not available with other APM Agents.