Oracle by Example brandingCollect Database Audit Logs to Analyze Using Oracle Log Analytics

section 0Before You Begin

This 20-minute tutorial shows you how to set up the environment to use Oracle Log Analytics for analyzing the log data from Database Audit Logs.


Learn to perform the pre-requisite steps for discovering your database entity on Oracle Management Cloud like enabling unified audit trail of the database, and providing the database credentials to Oracle Management Cloud agents. You can then discover the database entity on Oracle Management Cloud and ensure that the log data is collected from the database entity. For successful log collection, customize an out-of-the-box database audit log source and associate it with your database entity to suit your requirement.

What Do You Need?

section 1Enable Auditing on Your Database

For Oracle Database releases 11g, 12c, and 18c, the database auditing is enabled by default, and the audit records are stored in the operating system's audit trail. However, only the releases 12c and 18c support unified audit trail. Here, we discuss the steps to enable unified audit trail on the database.

  • Check the values of the auditing parameters on your database:
      SQL> show parameter audit;
    	NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    	------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
    	audit_file_dest                      string      /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/adump
    	audit_sys_operations                 boolean     TRUE
    	audit_syslog_level                   string
    	audit_trail                          string      OS
    	unified_audit_sga_queue_size         integer     1048576

    In the above example,

    • audit_sys_operations is set to TRUE. Auditing is enabled.
    • The value of the parameter audit_trail is set to OS. The audit records are directed to the operating system's audit trail.
  • Check the status of the unified audit trail parameter:
      SQL> select parameter , value from v$option where PARAMETER = 'Unified Auditing';
    	PARAMETER                             VALUE        CON_ID
    	------------------------------------ ----------- -----------------------
    	Unified Auditing                       FALSE        0

    The value of the parameter Unified Auditing is set to FALSE. Unified audit is disabled.

  • The unified auditing feature is available for 12c and 18c revisions of Oracle Database, and is disabled by default. Follow these steps to enable unified auditing on the Oracle Database table:
    1. Shut down the database listener and the database.
         $ lsnrctl stop orcl_lsnr
         $ sqlplus / as sysdba
         SQL> shutdown immediate
    2. Link the Oracle Home binaries.
        $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
        $ make -f uniaud_on ioracle
    3. Restart the database.
        $ sqlplus / as sysdba
        SQL> startup
    4. Verify that unified audit trail is enabled successfully:
        SQL> select parameter , value from v$option where PARAMETER = 'Unified Auditing';
      	PARAMETER                             VALUE        CON_ID
      	------------------------------------ ----------- -----------------------
      	Unified Auditing                       TRUE        0

      The value of the parameter Unified Auditing is set to TRUE. Unified audit is enabled.

    5. Create an audit policy to enable auditing for specific database users or the entire database. In this example, the the actions are enabled for sys user.
      • Determine the database user name for the role sysdba.
          $ sqlplus / as sysdba
        Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
        With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
        SQL> show user;
        USER is "SYS"
      • Obtain the database instance name.
          SQL> select instance_name from v$instance;
      • Create the audit policy.
          SQL> CREATE AUDIT POLICY all_actions_pol ACTIONS ALL;
        Audit policy created.
      • Enable auditing for the user SYS.
          SQL> AUDIT POLICY all_actions_pol by SYS;
        Audit succeeded.
    6. To avoid having both the auditing mechanisms enabled, check the value of the audit_trail parameter. Ensure that it is set to none.
        $ sqlplus / as sysdba
        SQL> show parameter AUDIT_TRAIL;

      The result of the command should be as follows:

              NAME              TYPE      VALUE
         audit_trail        string      NONE

section 2Provide Database Credentials to Oracle Management Cloud Agent

For the cloud agent to collect audit logs from the database entity, you must provide the credentials to access the database. If the credentials are not already registered on the agent credential store, then register.

  1. Create a JSON file with the information of your database. In the following example, orcl is the Oracle Database instance, and sys is the user whose credentials are added. As in this case, the cloud agent is typically installed on the same host as the database.

    Enter the parameter value in the corresponding field to see the value in the following JSON example. You could then copy the example and create a JSON file to use in your environment.

    Table of parameters and corresponding field boxes.
     Parameter  Enter the value in the box
     Database SID  
     User Name  

    Customize the above example JSON and ensure the following:

    • Replace orcl with the SID of your database.
    • Replace sys, sys_password, and SYSDBA with the user name, password, and the role. The role property is optional.
    • The globalName parameter must be unique within the credential store managed by the local cloud agent.

    Save the changes and store the JSON file on the host where the cloud agent is installed.

  2. Stop the cloud agent.
    $ <OMCAGENT_HOME>/agent_inst/bin/omcli stop agent
  3. Create the cloud agent credential store, if it does not exist already.
    $ <OMCAGENT_HOME>/agent_inst/bin/omcli add_credential_store agent -no_password
  4. Restart the cloud agent.
    $ <OMCAGENT_HOME>/agent_inst/bin/omcli start agent
  5. Add the credentials to the agent credential store using the JSON file that you created earlier.
    $ <OMCAGENT_HOME>/agent_inst/bin/omcli add_credentials agent -credential_file <PATH_TO_YOUR_CREDENTIAL_JSON_FILE>

section 3Add Oracle Database Entity to Oracle Management Cloud

You can discover the database entity on Oracle Management Cloud by using the discovery interface. To complete these tasks, you must have Oracle Management Cloud Administrator role. If this role isn’t assigned to you or you’re not sure, then ask your system administrator to ensure that the role is assigned to you in Oracle Cloud.

  1. From the Management Cloud main menu, select Administration > Discovery > Add Entity. The Add Entity page is displayed.
  2. In the Entity Type list, select Oracle Database System. Provide the following details of the database.
    • Entity Name
    • Name Prefix - The name that'll be used to avoid duplicates
    • Cloud Agent
    • Monitoring Credentials - Specify Username, Password, and Database Role.
    • Tags - Optionally, you can create tags that define additional relationships between the Oracle E-Business Suite entities. These relationships will help search and group these entities in Oracle Management Cloud.
    • License Edition - Select Standard or Enterprise edition
    • Associate Logs - Associate the logs automatically with the Oracle Database System entity during log collection
    • Based on your selection of the Configuration, provide these details:
    • In case of Single Instance:

      Host Name - Name of the listener host. For example, or its IP address

      Port - Listener port number

      Connect Type - Select how to connect to the database, SID or service name

      Connect Value - Specify the SID or service name

      Listener Alias - For example, DB_LISTENER

      Listener Oracle Home - Specify the path

      Listener Host SSH Credentials like the SSH Username and SSH Password if the cloud agent is not on the listener host.

    • In case of Real Application Clusters (RAC):

      SCAN Name - Name of the SCAN listener. For example, or its IP address

      SCAN Port - The port number on which the SCAN listener is listeningfor connections

      Service Name

      Grid Home - Oracle Home directory for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure

      ASM Credentials like Username, Password, and Role if the RAC is with ASM.

      Host SSH Credentials like SSH Username, SSH Password, and SSH Private Key if the cloud agent is not installed on the cluster host.

  3. Click Add Entity.

In the following example, the details of the database instance that has the SID orcl are entered in the Add Entity page.

Add Oracle Database System entity type
Description of the illustration add_entity_ui.png

This is an example of the database credentials information:

Add Oracle Database System Credentials
Description of the illustration add_entity_creds.png

section 4Review and Customize the Out-of-the-Box Log Source

Oracle Log Analytics already has out-of-the box log sources Oracle DB Audit Log Source Stored in Database, Database Audit Logs, and Database Audit XML Logs that are packaged with the relevant parsers and other parameters to collect audit logs from database. Review the log sources and select the one that best suits your requirement. The audit log data is extracted from the Oracle Database based on the SQL query provided in the log source configuration. Review the log source that you selected and edit it, if required, to include additional data filters, extended fields, field enrichment, and labels.

  1. From Oracle Log Analytics, click the OMC Navigation icon on the top left corner of the interface. In the OMC Navigation bar, click Administration Home.
  2. In the Log Sources section, click the available count of log sources link.
  3. Click Open Menu icon next to the log source entry that you want to edit and select Edit. The Edit Log Source page is displayed.
  4. Review the log source details, modify it if required, and click Save.

In the following example, the Database Audit Logs out-of-the-box log source edit page is displayed:

Edit Log Source page
Description of the illustration edit_log_source.png

section 5Associate Your Database Entity with the Log Source

To begin collecting logs from the database, associate the database entity with the log source you selected in the previous section. After the association, the logs collected from the database entity are processed by applying the parameters defined in the log source.

While discovering your database entity on Oracle Management Cloud, if you've selected the Associate Logs option, then the discovered entity is tagged indicating that the log collection should be enabled. Oracle Log Analytics monitors these tag notifications and enables log collection automatically. Follow these steps to ensure that the database entity is associated with the log sources that you selected in the previous section.

  1. From Oracle Log Analytics, click the OMC Navigation icon on the top left corner of the interface. In the OMC Navigation bar, click Log Admin, and click Entities.
  2. In the Entities section, click New Association.
  3. From Entity Type menu, select Oracle Database Instance.
  4. Click Add Entities and select the database instance you added through the discovery UI. Click Continue.
    Associate Entities for Log Collection page
    Description of the illustration association_add_entities.png
  5. Select the log sources that want to associate the entity with. The selection of log sources must be from the set that you selected in the previous section. Click Continue.
    List of out-of-the-box log sources for database
    Description of the illustration select_log_source.png
  6. Click Associate Entities.

Now Oracle Log Analytics is ready to collect logs from your database.

section 6Validate the Log Collection

To ensure that the setup is complete, validate the log collection.

  1. Navigate to the Log Explorer, and view the log data in the visualization panel. Based on the parameters chosen in the definition of the log source, select the corresponding fields in the visualization panel to customize the view.

    The following example indicates the log collection in progress:

    Log Explorer withthe Line Chart Visualization
    Description of the illustration log_collection_progress.png

    Notice that the oldest logs are collected first. So, ensure that the time range in the log explorer is sufficiently large to view the data from all the logs.

  2. From Oracle Log Analytics, navigate to Collection Warnings, and look for any possible warnings from the recent setup. In case of a warning, view the corresponding message to debug the error. Go to OMC Navigation icon > Log Admin > Collection Warnings.

After the validation, you can analyze your logs on Oracle Log Analytics to develop operational insights. View the log data using variety of visualizations, create dashboards for operational efficiency, save and share your log searches, detect anomalies, and perform advanced analytics. For an example of the analysis of the Database Audit Logs performed using the link visualization to group SQLs and analyze their behavior and identify anomalies, see Link by Using SQL Statement as the Field of Analysis in Using Oracle Log Analytics (link in the next section).

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