Data in End User Monitoring Reports

Application Performance Monitoring collects different data from end user monitoring and presents it in reports.

Through End User Monitoring, there are three categories of dimensions available for reporting - for sessions, pages and Ajax calls.

Table 14-1 Data dimension in End User Monitoring

APM Object, Category Dimension
Pages > Geographic information derived from IP addresses
  • Continent
  • Country
  • Region
  • City (City information is exposed in session diagnostics only)
  • ISP (ISP information is exposed in session diagnostics only)
  • IP (IP information is exposed in session diagnostics only)
Pages > Client information derived from user-agent HTTP header
  • Browser type (Firefox, IE, etc)
  • Browser version
  • Device type (desktop, mobile)
  • OS (Windows, MacOS, etc.)
  • OS Version
  • Screen size
Pages > Application related dimensions
  • URL (with URL parameters and ID values removed)
  • Domain name
  • Page title
  • Attribute 1

    By default, it is the top level URL directory.

  • Attribute 2

    By default,empty.

    Attribute 1 and attribute 2 can be populated via JavaScript of the applications.

Sessions Additional attribute user name that can be populated with additional JavaScript instrumentation. For details, see Configure User Name Reporting.
Ajax Calls The HTTP status code is available as an additional reporting dimension.

Table 14-2 Metrics available in End User Monitoring data

APM Object and Category Dimension
Pages > Counts
  • Number of page views
  • Number of 'frustrating' page views
  • Number of 'tolerable' page views
  • Number of 'good' page views

    For 3 counts and above, page views are categorized based on configurable response time thresholds.

  • Number of page clicks
  • Number of Ajax calls
  • Number of Ajax call errors
  • Number of JavaScript errors
Pages > Metrics
  • Load time

    (Based on W3C Navigation Timing, loadEventEnd.)

  • Interactive time

    (Based on W3C Navigation Timing, domInteractive - indicates when page becomes usable.)

  • First Byte time

    (Based on W3C Navigation Timing, responseStart. For aggregated data, min and max values available for 3 metrics and above.

  • Viewing time
Ajax Calls > Counts
  • Number of Ajax Requests
  • Number of 'frustrating' Ajax calls
  • Number of 'tolerable' Ajax calls
  • Number of 'good' Ajax calls

    For the 3 counts and above page views are categorized based on configurable response time thresholds.

  • Number of related page views
  • Number of related page clicks
  • Number of Ajax errors
Ajax Calls > Metrics
  • Load Time
  • Fetch Time