Enable End User Monitoring in Siebel Environment

You can enable end user monitoring in a Siebel environment through manual instrumentation.

To enable end user monitoring in a Siebel environment:

  1. In the Siebel installation folder, navigate to ses/siebsrvr/webtempl/ouiwebtempl.

  2. Open the HTML source of the login page, SWELogin.swt and insert the APM Javascript manually to the page.

  3. Open the HTML source of the container page, ccpagecontainer.swt and insert the APM Javascript manually to the page.

  4. Configure the Manifest Administration to enable manual injection of the APM Javascript in sections such as View and Applet.

    1. Create a file, for example, getSiebelViewName.js.

    2. Populate the file with the following code:

      if(typeof (SiebelAppFacade.APMTracker) == "undefined") {
            SiebelApp.EventManager.addListner( "postload",
                 TrackAPMOnViewLoad, this );
            function TrackAPMOnViewLoad( ){
                window.apmeum || (apmeum = {});
                apmeum.eventAttributes.getPageName = function() {
                    if( SiebelApp.S_App && SiebelApp.S_App.GetActiveView() ){
                       return SiebelApp.S_App.GetActiveView().GetName();
                    } else {
                       return "Unable to determine active view";
                apmeum.eventAttributes.getAttr1 = function() {
                    if( SiebelApp.S_App && SiebelApp.S_App.GetActiveBusObj() ){
                       return SiebelApp.S_App.GetActiveBusObj().GetName();
                     } else {
                        return "Unable to determine active Business Object";
                 // Use 'full name' to identify user
                var un = SiebelApp.S_App.GetProfileAttr("Full Name");
                // DEBUG:     console.log('Tracking info is:'+un);
                if (! window.apmeum.hasOwnProperty("username")) {
                                      window.apmeum.username = un;
                 // No-Op
                 //  console.log("OOPS check ApmEumTrackUserId logic: "+error)
    3. Using the Siebel console, add the file to the Manifest Administration View in the folder Application/Common/Platform Independent.

      See Siebel documentation for how to add the file you created to the Siebel environment.
    4. Restart all the Siebel servers.

      1. Navigate to ses/gtwysrvr/bin and run these commands:

        • Stop the server : ./stop_ns

        • Start the server : ./start_ns

      2. Navigate to ses/siebsrvr/bin and run these commands:

        • Stop the server : ./stop_server all

        • Start the server : ./start_server all

      3. Navigate to web/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/bin and run these commands:

        • Stop the server : ./opmnctl stopall

        • Start the server : ./opmnctl startall

    You can now monitor the required pages in the Siebel environment with the help of the injected APM Javascript.