7 Install and Configure APM Java Agent on Peoplesoft

Here are the requirements and instructions to install APM Java Agent on Peoplesoft.

Peoplesoft: Requirements and Installation Instructions


  • PeopleSoft running on PeopleTools 8.55 with WebLogic container for PeopleSoft UI — PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA)

  • If the JDK version you are running doesn't support TLS 1.2 security protocol, refer to My Oracle Support Doc ID 2703411.1 before proceeding with the APM agent installation.

  • The HTTPS connection must use TLS 1.2 security protocol.

  • Download the APM Java Agent software referring to the install instructions for the APM Java Agent for WebLogic Server. See Install and Configure APM Java Agent On Oracle Weblogic Server.

  • Install the APM Java Agent software.

After installing the APM Java Agent software, perform these steps to provision the APM Java Agent on PeopleSoft:

  1. Navigate to the PIA Domain Administration Menu:
    1. From the shell prompt, start the psadmin utility with the following command:
    2. Select 4 for Web (PIA) Server.
    3. Select 1 to administer a domain.
    4. Select the PIA domain where to install the APM Agent.
  2. Edit the configuration files:
    1. View the list of configuration files to edit, by executing command 5.
    2. Select 1 to edit the setEnv file. The setEnv file will open in a Vi editor.
    3. Search for the corresponding JAVA_OPTIONS_<Operating System> variable and add the following option:
      JAVA_OPTIONS_<Operating System>="${JAVA_OPTIONS_<Operating System} -javaagent:${DOMAIN_HOME}/apmagent/lib/system/ApmAgentInstrumentation.jar" where <Operating System> is the operating system that PeopleSoft PIA runs on.
    4. Save the changes made to the setEnv file and exit the Vi editor, to see the list of configuration files.
    5. Type q to exit this menu, and to see the PIA Administration menu.
  3. Reboot the PIA domain:
    1. Navigate to the PIA Domain Administration menu. Refer to step 1.
    2. Select 2 to shut down the domain.
    3. Select 3 to get the status of the domain to check if it is still running.
    4. Select 1 to boot this domain to complete the restart of the PIA domain.

Peoplesoft: Custom Instrumentation Set Up for Tuxedo

You can set up custom instrumentation to add monitoring capabilities to Peoplesoft.

To set up custom instrumentation for Tuxedo in Peoplesoft, do the following:
  • Create a file named custom-pointcuts.properties with the following entries:
    #Pointcut for JOLT
    pointcut-jolt.class = bea.jolt.JoltRemoteService
    pointcut-jolt.method = call
    pointcut-jolt.paramTypes = bea.jolt.Transaction
    pointcut-jolt.paramsTypes = bea.jolt.Transaction
    pointcut-jolt.value.exit.jolt-service.path = this.getName()
    pointcut-jolt.operationName = Tuxedo_{value.jolt-service}
    pointcut-jolt.tier = external

    Save the custom-pointcuts.properties file under the configuration directory for the specific WebLogic Server in the apmagent directory. For example, configuration directory: <psft_home>/psadm2/psft/pt/8.56/webserv/peoplesoft/apmagent/config/PIA/

  • Update file: AgentStartup.properties located under <APM_agent_install_dir>/config directory and add entry:
    oracle.apmaas.agent.probe.custom.enableMethodInvocation = true
  • Restart the application server for the configuration changes to take effect.

After the pointcut is enabled, the Tuxedo wait time (the time it takes the Tuxedo servers to request and get the data from the database) will be marked as external. It will be visible in the server request list and detail pages, and also in the topology views. In addition, the name of the requested Tuxedo service will be available in the aggregated call stack view.

For more details, see Set Up Custom Instrumentation from Using Oracle Application Performance Monitoring.